My Weird Garage

He/she “deserved” it is a common rationalization in domestic abuse cases.

Domestic violence condoned by over a hundred Jezebel readers — hilarious!

Jezebel is the absolute best. Woman admits to violence against a man and everyone understands and atta girl. Man does it and the world ends. Shoutout to all my hypocrites out there. Also love that even though the flight had to be diverted, no charges cuz like awwww poor woman. Gimme a break.

Oh fuck off. You go out in public you can wear something more than fucking underwear. If you don’t, people are gonna mock you.

I’d say this review “misses the mark” more than the car. I mean you start by mischaracterizing the brand by implying they used to be some sport compact industry leader. Complaints about understeer and the lack of manual transmission…who do you think buys these things? How hard do you think they drive them on daily

This generation of IS is a gorgeous car, I really like it, especially in that BEIGE color.

Commentariat on article about millionaires and billionaires setting up shell-companies for the sole purpose of avoiding taxes that Joe Schmoe has to pay: “I empathize with the rich, I would do the same. This is not illegal. Blame the government.”

It should come down to a reasonable test. What is reasonable? If you ask Joe Blow off the street if Lewis Hamilton actually owned that jet, he would look at the situation and say yes. If you asked Joe Blow off the street if there is any reason that multiple companies are created and the jet is rented to the same guy

Google is a private company. They can do as they please. They are under no obligation to manipulate results just because you or any other think they should.

...human beings are primitive evil fucks who would elect an angry toddler like Trump as president...

You sound like a real piece of work yourself. You just generalized countless people to promote your biased view of the world. Keep taking in ways that divide people and you continue to see the type of government, and society, that has driven you to feel like this.

My favorite engines are still the old big blocks of the 60s. Tons of low end right off idle with zero lag.

I currently drive a tuned F-150 ecoboost, and before that had a tuned ‘12 Mustang GT with 3.73's, so I can definitely compare myself.

Is the Expedition big enough for families who say they have kids, but in reality only have a 15lb baby?  

“As always, it’s good to pause here and remember that the NFL player protests have never had a single thing to do with the military.”

Wait, I’ve always been told as a straight, white, male, that if I make comments, and someone takes it the wrong way and takes offense even though I never MEANT offense, that means *I* am

So, let me get this straight. NFL players exercising their freedom of speech* by kneeling - perfectly fine. Member of the public exercising his freedom of speech* in saying he disagrees with how NFL players are exercising said freedom - FUCK YOU YOU PIECE OF SHIT!

Rolls Royce has been doing “driverless” technology for its entire existence. You don’t drive a Rolls, you’re driven.

Or he has the same right as the people protesting, you just don’t like the message.

Scumbag? I don’t think that is fair. He declined an award because he disagrees with the entity supplying it, as is his right.

You have to really go above and beyond to get water intoxication. I get that it’s something to keep an eye out for, but most people who up their water consumption won’t get to that point and are usually turned off by the amount of time they have to go to the bathroom before water intoxication sets in. Again, I realize