
Osweiler certainly has what it takes to be a QB on an NFL roster. He’s so tall that even if he knelt for the National Anthem, most fans would think he was still standing up.

Ads are based on your personal browsing history, friendo.

Nothing screams “LET’S GET RID OF HUMAN REFEREES” like a wristband dedicated to not doing your job well.

Fuck these guys. Bring on the robots.

The issue at hand here is whether Tony Stewart purposely ran a guy over or if his negligent actions resulted in him losing control of his car and killing someone when it would seem that he could have easily avoided the guy that a fucking idiot got out of his car in the middle of a live racetrack.

If I leave my car and walk into the road in front of a semi, it’s my fault, case closed.

Jesus Christ, how is this still going?!

Very simple fact. Had Kevin Ward Jr. not exited his race car and walked down the racing surface, he would still be alive. Everything else in this case is irrelevant. If I pull my car over on the shoulder and get out, stepping in front of a semi, is it my fault or the semi driver’s fault?