
You are either fighting way too hard here for a point that everyone agrees with (some people, on some occasions, have used their sexuality to get what they want) or are fighting way too hard here to defend the indefensible (that the stereotype that female journalists sleep with sources is realistic).

I’ll never know, cuz I’m not seeing this or anything directed by that batshit old crank ever again. This member of the ‘pussy generation’ will be keeping his twelve bucks. Get over that, Clint.

“Oh, I can hear a certain sect tuning up their keyboards....but get over yourselves.” Why, because you’re an unrepentant shitbag?

Hi, former print journalist here, and a woman at that. No, it is absolutely not a tool in the toolbox. When you’re an actual journalist, the message about sex with sources is very clear. It is an unequivocal violation of journalistic ethics. You can and will and should be fired for it. What’s more, female reporters

You guys have shitty reading comprehension. Barsanti clearly says in the article that Jewell was falsely accused. That doesn’t change the fact that Eastwood seems to have chosen to tell this particular story at this particular time for political and ideological reasons. Have you not seen the trailer? The message Clint

It is possible to take a true story that involves a real injustice, and still portray it in a way that twists the lessons we should learn from that story or serves a more nefarious storyline. Richard Jewell truly faced an injustice, and was screwed over in a way that shows some pretty systemic issues with law

Not sure where the OP is going, but I don’t think anyone is objecting to the scene because it portrays a woman having a sexual side.  No one is mad because they expected Scruggs to be “sexless” and she was portrayed as being a person interested in sex.  They are objecting because the specific sexual transaction at

The way she talks about Scruggs as though Scruggs is a character (and not an actual deceased person with a family) is pretty gross. Like, you’re not making a fictional character more complex. You’re just slurring a dead person.

It’s pretty obvious that the criticism is rooted in the editor-in-chief taking issue with the movie inventing something defamatory about one of their former employees and not because he only wants likeable female characters.

This, as the kids say, ain’t it.

I’m curious how this figures to start Phase 4 when it’s set during phase 3 and includes a main character and supporting character who are now dead? If Far from Home was considered to be Phase 3 even though it took place after End Game, then this should definitely still be a Phase 3 movie.

No, it does work like that. Charles is #1, Will is #2, Andrew is #8. Anne is #14 and not worth even bringing up.

Thanks for playing, go do your homework.

Fuck Jenna James and Jenny McCarthy and especially Andrew Fucking Wakefield and anyone else that peddles this lethal bullshit. If you want to see what measles does, read this fucking article. And post it freely on the social media of any vicious imbecile trying to say measles is harmless.

I wish they’d used a more recent photo of her, so we can see how she’s just like all the other crazy anti-vax soccer moms. There’s no way she still looks like a 17 year old who hasn’t eaten in a couple of days. Maybe if people thought she wasn’t as “hot” as she used to be, they’d believe her less? I’m just reaching

I have a cousin who is anti-vax and doesn’t believe in evolution, but she and her husband relied HARD on IVF and other fertility treatments to get pregnant. How do I tell her she can’t pick and choose which scientific advancements to fall in line with?

Jenna Jameson

Celebrities know nothing, unless its presented to them by quacks like POOP

How fucked up is it to co-opt the very relevant and important #believewomen hashtag to stand on your stupid incorrect soapbox?

remember that bullshit they pulled in 1583?

Tesla already owns production lines with all the systems you're claiming they're avoiding. Your argument fails both the smell test and any application of Occam's Razor.