
Don’t feel too badly. That place was ludicrously priced and was doomed to fail from inception (chalk it up to a rookie mistake or two or three.) PLUS, Kwame is doing just fine now with his chain of Cheesesteak and Wing spots around DC not to mention his place Kith and Kin is considered one of the best restaurants in

You must be fun at parties.

This probably isn’t even a question. But is there a worst decision than trying to sleep next to your kid? They are 2000 degree pinwheels that make odd noises and twitch nonstop while driving their tiny feet in to your sides.

My ex had a 5lbs chihuahua who she insisted be allowed to sleep with us. I’ve never been more uncomfortable in my life from the presence of an extra body in my bed. Dogs give off an unfathomable amount of body hear.

I personally could give a flying fuck (pun intended) what AF1 looks like. I *DO* care, however, that the President ordered an F-35 to hover over DC yesterday afternoon to show it off to the Polish president. There’s literally a military airfield 5-minutes away from the WH by helicopter.

...except Bartman was a fan who interfered in a game and Buckner was a dude who was payed to play it. One of those people are expected to make mistakes that could impact a baseball game, the other is Steve Bartman.

Be careful, he may think you’re trying to compliment him.

...are you high on bath salts?

Being “Pro-Israel” because you think it fulfills a prophecy in which the people you claim to be helping are forced to convert or die in the end is hardly being “pro” anything but doomsday cult

The RJC really needs to change its name to the far more accurate “Sheldon Adelson and Friends”

How ironic that like, maybe 10 Jewish people are participating. 

It’s quite simple actually, Trump just assumes that all Jewish people would vote for a Jewish candidate regardless of qualifications/criminal charges, just like he assumes all Black people voted for Obama and all Gay Republicans voted for Mike Pence.

Now playing

Quite the opposite actually. His dad married the heiress of the Swanson Frozen Foods fortune and they clearly let The Help raise little Tuck Tuck until the age of 10 when they sent him off to boarding school to train him on how to be a propper Chet:

Those are merely supplements good sir!

Then he stands in the center and offers no solutions, because you can’t stand in the center and have a solution

Then, Now, Forever

Rename it Papa Shaq’s Pizza Shack you cowards!

At this point, BC’s next game is an NCAA tournament game. Hockey East can’t make them forfeit that.

You must be fun at parties