
Analyze this: Get fucked

Just wanted to say sincerely that we, the Deadspin commentariat, are (or at least I am) hoping that Irma scales down to a lesser storm and/or that the damage done to the region is as minimal as possible. Also, fuck Mark.

You’re want to take the word of John Dennis (a guy with personal beef with Russillo outside of the interaction you’ve cited) as a reason to not accept this apology? Really? That’s the hill you want to die on Brody?

You and your ilk keep using the word “drama” to describe Kaep’s protest, as if he’s doing this for selfish reasons and has no point to it, but at the end of the day, you, the NFL, and America, in general, keep proving him right.

So having him cause “drama” for one team is somehow better than the current situation of the entire league looking incredibly short-sighted at best and horribly racist for blackballing a QB better than at least 33% of the guys playing that position currently, including no less than 5 Week 1 starters (Tolzien, Bortles,

“taking a knee and doing so defiantly”

It could be because he’s statistically a better QB than say, Brock Osweiler or Blake Bortles, you know, two starting QBs in the NFL. And as for PR shit, the Ravens are the team that continues to trot out an accused murderer as a PR schill and thought a 2 game suspension was fair punishment for their star RB knocking

Yeah but you still have to live in fucking Arlington.

That’s an insult to thin-skinned penises. Just call them Trumps

THIS! Like, we if you’re a cop, what did you think you were signing up for. Whenever a cop says they felt threatened as an excuse for shooting (or killing) someone I can’t help but shake my head. You’re a cop! Did you think that meant only protecting the”good” neighborhoods?

My girl lied

He should give the fine people of Rhode Island a call. He’s gotten them to bail him out before...

1.) It’s not a take, it’s a fucking fact. Washington, Jefferson, Franklin-All aristocrats.

America as we know it was sure as shit not founded by people fleeing aristocracy. Maybe the Puritans were fleeing aristocracy, but they also weren’t followers of the enlightenment. There’s a reason so many of the founders owned so many slaves. There’s a reason Ben Franklin had a penchant for French hookers. Shit, two

If so she should give this JG Wentworth a call now. He gets opera singers to appear in his commercials so you know he’s legit

Nah, watching McGregor stumble around like a zombie was the best part about the fight. This is a close second though

How can you talk about presidents beating each other up and not mention Teddy Roosevelt?! Teddy became president at 43! At 26 he became a real life goddamn cowboy! And that’s not even getting to his fabled military career. Teddy Roosevelt is the Brock Lesnar of American Presidents. He will impose his will upon you and

I’m a journalist, who has an understanding of libel law. I also have a friend who worked on this case. ABC fucked up. They made it seem like this product was unsafe or unhealthy without any proof to back that up. Something being “gross” is far from a potential health scare. They covered Chipotle’s recent food

Yeah but you know what, until The Left gets their own people on the same page it really won’t matter. Because as great as it is to see GOPers denounce Trump’s remarks (however half-heartedly it may have been) we still have people like Ajamu Bakara, the Green’s most recent VP candidate, doing stupid shit like the above