Guantanamo Baby

Look, I don’t think it’s too much to ask that a congressional hearing end with some screaming profanity, someone getting stabbed with a letter opener and the DC police marching into the White House to arrest the president. Movies and TV told me that's how this works.

I know and the irony wasn’t lost to me as I was commenting. I get stuck in this place where I see Splinter’s potential as a progressive voice in a newer generation of journalism (like their coverage on immigration issues has been really great, among the best serving an English-speaking audience, and I love that they

It’s weird, I want to star about half of this, and then unstar the other half.

No. Stop participating in this shit. You are framing this as a fucking spectacle to be judged by entertainment value - which is what Trump is doing, which is what the MSM is doing. Not to mention y’all were reporting all day on how Republicans were being crazy, and we could all see they were wording questions crazily

Bring back Gawker, and we’ll make with the gossip tips.