
“Don… Choose your questions carefully

Another thing that’s fully compostable, readily and cheaply available, and provides superior flavor is regular-ass coffee that takes 2 minutes to make.

Anakin’s mom is hot.

Godspeed, ironlungman. Godspeed.

Definitely makes sense to end it after 3 seasons. Don't want to risk a Stranger Things scenario where the kids all start growing up too fast to be... well, kids. 

I went to a Subway last week while traveling. I went there because it was convenient and I didn’t want fried food. The roast beef sandwich was fine & exactly met my expectations. The teenager making it was polite.

yeah, they should have learned from their first try not to do pizza

Lower the price and get rid of the “free” chips they always forget to give you anyway.  I don’t even want them most of the time.

Honestly, the flatbreads weren’t that good anyway. If you want pizza, there are plenty of better choices.

Fast food trying to screw the poor seems self defeating.”

Fucking good.

Streaming is such a mess it’s never made more sense to just pirate everything at this point. 

Right, right, there is absolutely nothing fascist about restricting the right to vote or hold office to the people that have gone through the government brainwashing program, and the novel definitely doesn’t glorify fighting and the infantry as the heart of the moral philosophy. It isn’t like the protagonist’s

Yeah, Last Action Hero was a little before its time, meta wasn’t a THING yet. Now I think people know what it’s about and love it for it.

Last Action Hero is a spectacular movie built on a hilarious premise that almost no one understood and instead saw it as a common action movie.

Last Action Hero is ridiculously ahead of its time. I love that movie through and through. 

This film always reminds me of the situation around Last Action Hero. They’re both satires that went over the heads of a lot of critics because they were action/sci-fi films. They ironically missed giving them proper critical analysis and wrote them off as simple “popcorn flicks.”

Want the best part of this? It is the same writer, the story is made by the same person that worked on Morbius. They literally rewarded mediocrity

You aren’t missing much. We have a few around me now and they suck pretty hard. The fancy scanner carts are way to small and everything is way overpriced. I only ever go in one because that is the easiest place to do Amazon returns

They must be salted (ideally right when they come out of the fryer)