
This so much. I dropped out at Witch Queen over the grind.

I will take your Sugar Daddies. All of them.

I wonder if Maruchan will follow suit.

I dunno. Maybe it depends which Wawa you go to. One place only does personal pizzas and they’re worse than the old Chef Mark frozen pies Pathmark used to sell. Another does the full size pie and frankly I enjoyed it. It’s not going to change the world but it reminded me of pizza my family used to get from this hole in

Yeah, that’s the version I’m most familiar with. Used to be a favorite purchase from a pie factory store in my neighborhood.

Hummers never should have been a civilian product.

And they post his monologues to YouTube.

Should they get off your lawn?

Connections can be such BS on somedays. I’m reminded of old point and click adventures where you had to guess what the person behind a given puzzle was thinking to be able to solve it.

They hired Jon Stewart. What did they expect?

Agreed. This is a nice idea on paper, but in practice I see a lot of potential for abuse.

Can’t wait for the consumer warnings...

I enjoyed the original even with it’s simplicity. I’ll be happy to return to Ryme City and lose myself in that setting again.

Godspeed to all involved. Union strong!

I’d say good riddence, but the damage he’s done over his career will be with us for quite some time.

Okay, you make a convincing arguement. I’m not going to go out of my way for it. However if I do encounter a slice, I will approach with an open mind.

Papa loves mambo

I suppose if I grew up with it, I’d be more kindly disposed.

Was Eric hacked too or is that response genuine? If it’s the latter, I’m only mildly surprised he’d take a dig at his brother in public like that.

My dad often said the problem with America is most people think they’re temporarily inconvenienced millionaires.