
This movie made me coin the phrase, "I, Robot Syndrome". They could have called that "Night of the Machine" or some such and it would have been an okay film. Invoking Asimov in name but little else dragged it down like an anchor.

A most excellent flight of fancy, most Munchausen!

Oh it'd be grand if it was Gint. Half the first episode would be the Doctor shunting through the Vortex to proclaim, "FINALLY GINGER!"

Either you take the chaperone droid or I revoke your TIE privileges.

I guess the biggest problem with several of these is that the writers couldn't just have the superheroes up and solve the problem with their abilities. They needed to show solutions that potential readers could use. And in the case of the famine comic, state bluntly that sometimes you have to take the long view.


Oh look. Photo-mapped clothes. Woo.

They did have Puzzler. I'd take that guy over the Scramble City style combiners.

Harsh childhood?