Biff Wonsley

What's interesting to contemplate is whether The Machine calculated the probabilities & felt it worth the risk to teach Root a lesson about not killing people, knowing that doing so might allow Decima to acquire the chip needed for Samaritan. Could indicate The Machine's confidence in winning a battle with its rival.

But that's kind of the point. Vigilance are totally dedicated to their cause, but they aren't trained killers. Hence Shaw's able to fight her way past them. It would be less interesting if all sides had highly-trained killer agents fighting for them. This is (at least one of) Vigilance's achilles heels, & makes them

Sorry to be that guy, even two days late, and I only know this because I happened to glance at one line in the credits while waiting for the coda, but he's called Fat Au, rather than Al. Sounded like Al, spelled Au.

Awww, why the hate for Tyler? How TVD transformed him from a really unlikable high school brat into an eventually interesting & complex character remains for me an example of how good this show was at its peak (I still love it, but the early years were its best.) Maybe he doesn't have much to do, but I'll always have

Why did Nina rat out the walk-in? Was that part of some plot by her & Arky to screw with Oleg? Or is she gonna get in trouble with Arky when he finds out what she did? Or is she only on Team Nina now, looking for the best deal for herself? I found that confusing. I'll have to watch again.

Please don't kill off or exile Arkady. He seems like the only genuine, nice guy on the show. He's a committed commie, but not so rigid as to blindly follow orders.

Maybe Martha outlives her usefulness to Phillip, who finds a way to point the finger of suspicion at Martha, she gets desperate with Gaad & Stan suspecting her, they visit her apartment, she draws her weapon & they shoot her. Sad faces all around. FBI then loses their most concrete connection to Directorate S & our

I agree with all the superlatives lavished the show in the review & these comics, & maybe I missed something, underestimate the effects of mirakuru or, I don't know, but

Also Roy's relieved facial expression when Slade finally lets go of his hand.

I was half hoping, half expecting it to be a wooden leg. That would've been more appropriate to their relationship.

Felt sorry for Lili Taylor all season. All she ever did, practically, was deliver clunky lines in an uninterested monotone. If ever a role demanded that the actor mail it in, that's the one.

The lack of 1000 useless, one-line comments (hello Walking Dead) makes the less popular shows more fun to talk about here, so losing Revo kinda blows in that regard.

Yes, Continuum, by all means. Though that it airs in Canada earlier means I tend to forget the details by the time the review might be posted. Not a perfect show, but it's got so much going for it — are the good guys really good, are the bad guys really all that bad, Rachel Nichols, etc.

I think that was Dora Lange's mother, with the mangled fingernails & creepy KKK-masked horsemen picture.

And thank you new-ish AV Club comment format for making it even easier to post a dozen one-line comments about pointless things like grades.

Deeper & deeper indeed. Torturing the sheriff is off the deep end. There's no going back now. They'll either solve the case or go down in flames, though possibly both.

It's unfortunate MMc didn't give a shout out to everyone who tuned back in to the Oscars after watching True Detective.

Yeah, I also get the Joan problem, but this wasn't the episode to look for development on that front. This was Lestrade's showcase, & a brilliant one at that. I wasn't too enamored of him in his previous appearance(s?) but loved him here. He's not just a bumbling, drunken fool after all.

Fear not, you are not alone. NBC Friday Fun is back!

So wonder if we'll see the son again. What happens to him is really interesting to consider. We can probably assume, like P & E, that he has no extended family in the US. If his parents aren't outed as spies, he's an orphan. If they are, then what?