Biff Wonsley

I'm with you, though perfectly willing to hope our comrades win their various battles, safe in the knowledge, I suppose, that the Soviets ultimately didn't take over America & enslave us all with their godless ideology.

I think his intent was to kneecap the one guy so he could go back to his overlings & deliver Philip's "the KGB is everywhere" message. Doubtful the Afghan was going to go to the police & explain how/why his boss was killed. But the guy wouldn't just lay there & take his medicine so he could get out alive, plus he tore

Arguments for & against both work, really. Just as with the hand pass at the amusement park, you're that much less likely to be suspected if you go full retard & have kids.

Yes, an Afghans v Soviets war in DC, while the big Afghans v Soviets war rages on in Asia would be an interesting direction for the show to take. Themes & resonance & symbolism and stuff.

Surely Stan will see the artist's sketch eventually.

I voiced my affection for Arkady last night during the show. My partner didn't understand. It's the decency that gets me. Plus I don't think he's the one ordering the violence. He just passes along directives from Moscow. He has to be KGB, though, meaning he may have some violence in his past as well.

Let's hope the son doesn't remember Philip when the cops question him. If he does, we can bet that artist's drawing will make its way back to Stan.

The mail robot apparently replaced pneumatic tubes at some point. I'd think the tubes would be more secure.

Flame away. Having to wade through dozens of pointless one-liners about how this or that actor is hot has drastically devalued the site.

A, certainly. Have to leave room for a + further up the road. Strange how I can swallow the bus boy's murder, but the teenage girl's is a step too far. Must be my inner racist. So much compelling, sometimes shocking, setup for the season. Probably just selective memory, but I don't remember so much explicit violence

Yeah, but PoI was establishing relationships between (among?) the main characters from the beginning, especially Carter & Reese, which paid off down the road. Here, I don't care about anyone apart from Spader — but Spader as Spader, not as Reddington. The rest are cardboard cutouts, & mostly annoying ones at that.

Maybe if one were able to watch both runs of the slalom online, one might conclude that it is indeed the stuff of riveting TV. Then again, one mightn't.

Can we rename NBC's Olympics site the Coverage Will Resume Momentarily Network? Jesus. When it works it's fantastic. Unfortunately, for every 1 hour of live events or replays there are about a dozen stoppages of varying lengths. The most maddening aspect is that even when I get the dreaded CWRM screen during a replay,

I didn't read all 1000 comments, but of those I read I didn't see any mention of one of the directions the show may be going, that being Rust possibly believing that there is a secret satanic cult & its membership may include even the governor's brother, with that silly task force actually being set up to cover up the

Hope you were able to watch the whole thing live online. It was simply extraordinary, seeing skier after skier crash out or ski off course. It seems crazy that they're not allowed any practice on the course.

Interesting that someone does both long & short track speed skating. They seem worlds apart to me. I'd think the long trackers would look down on the shorters as some kind of kids event featuring people who can't hack the real thing. I know that's how I feel about it, not that I know anything.

Dave Wottle! He's my first clear Olympic memory, he & Valery Borzov (go figure.) That 800m was an extraordinary race, well worth another look on YouTube.

Having been a swimmer in my much younger years, it's nice to see someone remember the US relay win over the DDR. That was indeed a memorable race, all the more so for the Cheating Commies v Clean Living Americans context.

I think you mean Portugal.

Bigger problem was them showing only a handful of races. Thankfully I'm able to watch online, though to be honest the commentators on the international feed aren't any better than NBC's. The man is pretty good, fairly knowledgeable & imparts some measure of excitement to the proceedings, but his woman partner sounds