Biff Wonsley

CC skiing suffered similar problems. Women were competing in sleeveless shirts. Plus they moved the slalom half of the men's combined an hour earlier no try to avoid a slushy course. That's what you get when you hold a Winter Olympics in a summer resort, I suppose.

That is one sort of important point that might make Alan look less incompetent. He's a manager more than a scientist. It's his job to coordinate the research, not necessarily do much of it. If he's deprived of his team & left in the dark by people he expected to help him (Hatake & friends,) then he really has little

Fascinating. Thanks for that. So, contrary to my imagination, there are actually more than 20 people in the world who participate in skeleton or luge.

Yeah, I know. I'm an old fuddy duddy. I want races & who can chuck or jump the farthest or highest or shoot the most accurately or beat the other team. Stuff where politics or spectacle can't intrude. Except modern pentathlon.

Spending a lifetime developing speed, strength, etc., could describe hundreds of thousands of American males. Those guys were chosen for their public profile, not their unique physical abilities.

These people were drawn to these weird sports because so few people in the entire world do them that it's much less difficult to become "world class" in them. If former football players can just hop in a bobsled & make the Olympic team, it seems obvious that it doesn't require a lifetime of commitment to excel in some

Yes! We just started watching the original, & Weaving was side-splittingly funny as a cannibal. If anyone else here can get their hands on the original series, do it.

Hey, someone else remembers Bill Koch! Wasn't he the guy who revolutionized CC skiing with his new crazy technique that they all use now? I hope so, having just told my wife that story. I was only 10 at the time so I'm probably misremembering or making it up.

I do miss my Canadian satellite receiver (I'm in Texas,) which I gave up a few years ago. Olympics coverage was a huge highlight & bonus, & usually presented in a pleasant & understated manner. Of course they made sure we knew about Canadian athletes, but they also weren't afraid to put the boot in if their athletes

Yeah, I understand the criticism, & 20 years ago it would drive me mad as well, but now you (well, non-cord cutters) can watch any & all events online, live or replay. So if you're mostly interested in the actual competition you can avoid the jingoism & just enjoy. Much harder for cord-cutters who work day jobs,

Best thing about hockey is, (iirc) in they play on a larger rink than the NHL, so skilled players have room to actually exhibit their skills & it's not just brawny men bashing each other's brains out (my uninformed impression of pro hockey, which I don't watch.) Anyway, I love the hockey.

The woman who won the 500m had a 10.19 (I think) 100m split. I'd be interested in seeing how humans do skating v running. Is there a man or woman who can skate 100m faster than Usain Bolt?

CC. skiing has offered the most exciting. competitions so far, with only maybe last night's women's downhill competing for drama (imho.) I won't spoil it apart from saying there were some really nice runs separated by milliseconds.

You also poach John McEnroe for the big tennis tournaments. We only get him for a few minutes here & there. He's the best by a million miles & you guys hog him. Thanks for nothing.

I posted this yesterday but it's worth doing so again if no one else has. It's the link to NBC's replay page where you can watch what happened the night before if you can't stay up late. Just be sure to not look on either side of the page as the headlines there may spoil results.

It is indeed terrible. Silly dialogue, laughable melodrama, a main character with but the most rudimentary acting skills, more fucks & fuckings than a Caligulan orgy (to the point of silliness,) & a cartoonish villain. Very disappointing, especially considering it's Carter.

I'd've watched another season of Alcatraz. Sarah Jones is lovely, Jorge is always fun, & time-traveling Alcatraz inmates is as fun a concept as any. Beats this wretched, steaming pile.

Bjoerndalen's race was almost as dramatic. He was inching closer, looked like he had a chance…then missed his final shot! Still, all credit to him, he still busted his ass & was closing in on 3rd but just came up short.

The Dorian-Kennex problems in this episode are entirely down to airing the episode out of order. If anyone sold this show to a friend based on their funny banter, well, that's one less potential viewer.