Biff Wonsley

"Hey, it's Benedict Android."

I can confirm that Soviet workers are happy & well-treated. Comrade Stalin has been a victim of vicious rumors. Long live the socialist revolution!

If you can get through NBC's iron gates & dig into their website, you can probably find a full replay, if you don't know the results. It's well worth a watch if you have the time.

Hell yes. Fourcade was pretty goddamn excited, too, especially after the last round of shooting. That was the most dramatic race so far this week.

NBC also has the replays available online if you can't stay up overnight. At least they do of the skiing. Haven't checked the other events. You can watch the entire men's downhill again online if you like, for instance.

Totally agree with the subjectivity problem. Time constraints (and soccer obsession) limit my participation in these games, so I'm focusing on the skiing. As with the men's downhill Saturday night, the live women's super combined last night was well worth staying up for. At least the first half, the downhill portion.

Stayed up to watch the Men's Downhill this morning, start to finish. I highly recommend doing so, if possible, for any events you really want to see. No commercial interruptions, intelligent commentary (international feed, not rah-rah Americans) & pure competition. It's just like the old days with my big satellite

I'd think you'd be particularly interested since Stalin spent so much time in Sochi.

London's opening & closing were surprisingly interesting, especially because they made liberal use of Britain's popular music legacy. But yeah, they're mostly not very exciting & go on forever. Being an old person, I don't get the interest in X games stuff. Give me the traditional events — downhill skiing, hockey,

NBC has an app called NBC Live Extra with which you can watch all the events live (Men's Downhill Skiing Sunday 1am Central!)

Yes. My only disappointment is that appears to be the end of Ms. Law's contribution to the show. Let's keep the pipeline to Spartacus open, Arrow producers.

Ocean's Eleven was what I was thinking, though I haven't seen that one since it came out. A little White Collar thrown in, too. A light, throat-clearing, or palate cleansing, episode. We're so accustomed to high stakes, tense drama from PoI lately that anything else feels like a letdown. A perfectly pleasant episode,

That's the one thing that really irked — super-powerful original vampire standing around waiting for not-especially-powerful werewolves to gobble her up. They should've at least given us a bullshit explanation for that bit of silliness. Maybe next episode.

Well-reasoned, I must applaud your argument. I can't even disagree, really, yet I really liked the episode anyway. It felt thrilling in a way that the show, for the most part, hasn't up to now. Head v Heart, I suppose. I can't reason my way out of liking an episode.

I'd definitely miss the boy banter on the show. They're an excellent comedic pairing, which is a real asset an a drama. A lot of dramas could use some (intentional) natural humor injected into their po-facedness, or something. The Following, The Blacklist, just to name two. Though nothing could redeem The Following.

Does this show have a rather large budget, or do the producers have compromising pictures of Carrie Preston & Connie Nielsen, or do I have an inflated sense of their reputation as actors? I mean, how in hell does Connie Nielsen say yes to this show? I could sort of see her as a damsel in distress/love interest, but

Hmm. I thought that was Minnie Driver. At least I want her to be Minnie Driver.

I would expect the population to have been catastrophically reduced in the wake of power loss, both from starvation & from violence. I'd think it would take longer than 20 years for the world to re-form itself into kingdoms & such. And I'd expect every single agglomeration of people to be ruled by ruthless force, as

Are the nanites actually sentient? I thought they were manifestations of Aaron's (and his ex) thoughts. Obviously the show hasn't explained them too well.

Yes. I've learned to avoid them at all costs. They tend to ruin things. I accidentally saw one before the recent epic events of Person of Interest & am still annoyed. I've also complained about people mentioning them in comments before & been treated to a volley of abuse. Nice to see a few people in agreement.