Biff Wonsley

I was a little surprised that Roy felt so bad about giving a beat down to the slasher. It wasn't just some random guy who looked the wrong way at Thea.

I pick this episode to show my better half (we'd run out of good TV to watch on the night) and, wouldn't you know, it's an episode with a pronounced deficit of James Spader.

Somewhere, the group of people who produce this show regularly congratulate themselves for a job well done.

Seriously? Smart & thrilling? Jesus H Christ on a popsicle stick. There are more dumb characters & brain-damaged police on this show than in every other cop show ever put together. How anyone can see this as anything other than shit on a stick…I don't know. I just don't know.

Unfortunately for you, this show is going to be on Monday nights.

Apart from the looks Harrelson gives MM? There's a fair amount of intentional humor as well, though not necessarily laugh out loud humor.

That was just extremely…weird. Hallucination? Messed up childhood? Child abuse? Child's game?

Blink & you miss the owl. I did, but my wife pointed it out. Pretty interesting detail to have zero attention called to it.

We also had a Flying Squad reference, though maybe that's just become a generic name now & he wasn't thinking of the Metropolitan Police.

Problem is we've got two entirely different shows going on here, & I'm failing to see how they'll be reconciled. We've got the old-fashioned sword fighting & rescue stuff, then we've got the futuristic nanite god brain stuff. If Google harnesses his inner nanite then he'll be unstoppable & rule the world. If he

As bad as a very special episode would be, it'll be almost as bad if Laurel knows something about Blood that she doesn't share with anyone. Surely she'll share it with Dad, who will share with Arrow. Otherwise I'll be pulling my hair out.

Glad you said that. They've shown the execution several times, & in no way does it look like Oliver chose Shado, or made any choice at all. As for blaming the ally for the bad guy's evil deed, I'm assuming the original comic does something like that, otherwise yeah, that's weak sauce.

It's hard enough to hit a stationary target when you're also stationary. It's much, much harder to do so when you're moving. Whether Ollie was thinking this when being shot at, I can't say.

While we could use more time w/an actual MX, I think this is actually one area where the show has done a decent job of showing rather than telling. While focusing on Dorian's "synthetic soul," they've made it apparent that, in contrast, the MX is entirely logical & predictable, hence easier to work with. In contrast,

Lucy Butler & her favorite song…how wonderfully terrifying.

If only they could borrow a veteran of Person of Interest, writer or producer, to inject some gravity & intelligence into the use of future tech & its consequences. Combine that w/the show's wonderful sense of humor & we'd have something more substantial & interesting.

Let's remember that airplanes are really loud, even on the inside. Add some headphones, loud volume for those not wearing headphones, plus the fact that when you hear sounds on a plane your first thought isn't "hmm, that sounds like people fighting, are we in danger?" and it's not too hard to believe that people

I'd have to watch again, but Shaw was aware of his mission, & I wouldn't be surprised if she completed it for him. She seemed to hint at it. She's always believed in the rightness of dealing with the relevant numbers, even if she isn't a big fan of her former bosses.

Maybe Reese finally understands that Finch has made the penultimate self-sacrifice in letting Grace believe Finch is dead.

Might be a little more redemptive if her motivation was coming from inside herself. But, really, the only reason she's not still acting like a psychotic murderer is her blind faith in the machine. I'm not sure I've seen any evidence yet that she believes not killing people is the right or good way to go about things.