Biff Wonsley

Hey, I was going to say that, dammit. Not that I have any professional training in the matter. Apparently psychopaths often act on impulse, my not-extensive reading on the subject tells me. That doesn't sound like Shaw. Though, on the other hand, she doesn't necessarily mimic normal human behavior, either. At least

It is mostly crap but…James Spader. This really should be called The James Spader Show, which would very accurately reflect its appeal. The rest of the characters are cardboard cutouts, apart from Keen, sort of.

You're not alone. This one had even more Spader awesomeness than usual.

That she wears a wig is so annoyingly obvious, as she rarely actually touches her hair/head, & it looks about as natural as Klattenhoffer's acting.

Dorian could use a sexy woman voice while giving Kennex a handy, so long as Kennex closed his eyes. It would be entertaining to hear them at least talk about it. Surely some pervy cop has tried that w/his Android partner.

Ealy was so good in Sleeper Cell, I was surprised to see him in a comedy in CL, & he's certainly using his comedic skills well here. Plus he's so pretty.

Well, they did mention a New Tokyo, so maybe this is New Vancouver, or New Starling City, or New Tacoma.

If they'd just rename it The James Spader Show it would accurately reflect its true nature & appeal. That episode was even more Spader-heavy than usual, & all the more entertaining for it. Unfortunately, Spader has no one even close to being in his league on the show, whereas AH has a decent cast which, let's hope,

On the contrary, I never stopped being fascinated by the question of what exactly were the cylons. Was it OK to kill them indiscriminately because they were just android software, do they have rights, is something alive because it exhibits all the traits of life, even if they're the product of engineering rather than

Yeah, but it's not an either/or. We can scratch voluntarily & involuntarily.

Ethan is the real problem. When someone that lovely comes after you, you don't send her packing. I hope this doesn't mean no more topless Vivian. Topless or not, she brings some energy to the show that is very much welcome.

No sympathetic characters left is why I recently stopped watching Sons of Anarchy. I don't think BE is quite there yet (I like Will, Nucky, Mickey, Van Allen) so I'll stick around next season.

+1 for East Dillon Lions. And you summarize the Kalinda problem well. She's hardly a character any more. She is no longer indispensable. She should take her own advice.

Honestly, I think you guys are expecting too much. Apart from the patronizing parts (park rangers, for example,) this was pretty much what I expected/wanted from this show. Something along the edges of the Marvel universe. A berserker from a 1000 years ago who's now a quiet university professor? That's awesome! Sure,

Well-said. For those reasons Monroe has, to my surprise, become my favorite character. He's becoming a reluctant hero earning a redemption he doesn't even want.

You'd think a computer nerd would have dreamed of having superpowers as a kid, so it makes little sense that he'd spurn the chance to have them as an adult. Plus, the one moment when he embraced his powers was a combo of Matrix & Star Wars — he is the one + wipe them out…all of them.

Monroe referring to Aaron as simply "your fat friend" was equally amusing. Seems the writers are trying to acknowledge, with humor, the absurdity of having a plus-sized human in a post-apocalyptic world.

Yeah, something about the new design has made it easier for nitwits to string together long serieses of short, not especially relevant nor witty, comments for their own amusement. Comments on shows like TWD have long been a wasteland, but more & more shows are now suffering the same fate. This gives me a sad face.

Aww, come on back! Reading your reviews is half the fun!

Glad I'm not the only one who didn't see the promos. I was a bit thrown by the kissy kiss but not enough that it took away from the thrilling ride that was the rest of the episode. This is old-fashioned cop TV, I don't expect innovation, just twists & turns, general badassery, & some "how are they gonna get out of