Biff Wonsley

As did I, though that may be as much a function of my crush on Vivian & her toplessness as how the scene played out. This show has a good mix of mostly clinical presentations of sex, with the occasional titillating scene. From a straight man's perspective, anyway. Still no gay sex, though I'm not sure how much I want

Sorry to be nitpicky, but Renard said "let's round up the unusual suspects."

Corden is a polarizing kind of guy. Seems people love him or hate him. I have to admit I like the guy so I very much enjoyed this show. The guest "stars" are well-used, too. TWM maintains just the right balance between comedy & drama for me. A lot of British comedy is based on making the audience uncomfortable,

You're not alone. I'm a big fan of Peter. They are indeed a great power couple, & in their more tender scenes Alicia seems more invested in them than she ever has/was with Will. I've always found Will slimy & self-serving. He's always had a string of casual romances, why would anyone expect him to treat Alicia any

I'd have preferred Maryam D'Abo, personally. As a young man I was quite taken with her in The Living Daylights.

Yes. The duet at the piano was side-splitting! I watch for those two or three scenes each episode that are uproariously funny, & don't bother thinking too deeply about the rest. The other outstanding scene this time around was Rudy & his Kit Kat story. Sure, the Abby stuff wasn't terribly compelling, but so long as

I always thought it was "one one thousand, two one thousand…" counting the miles away of thunder. Then you have to bring math into it. Boo.

That aside, Pardo & the character are better as a dead-eyed badass. That surprised me. I didn't much care for Jason until he turned into a killer. Maybe it's the Bourne Trilogy lover in me. He & dad are now a formidable pair.

Still no explanation for how he's kept that weight on through all these years of scarcity & walking everywhere.

Yeah, it's only fair to crack on an actress for pouty lips if she had plastic surgery. Looks more like Ms. Lotz had braces as a kid which welded her mouth shut. Regardless, she looks great in her undergarments floating in the sea & does action scenes well. I hope we'll see much more of her.

Let's being remember that Tommy was a useless character for the 1st half of S1, before he became interesting. It's been longer & we have reason to be skeptical, but there's still a chance Laurel could come good eventually. She's mostly been a damsel in distress reacting to everyone. Maybe if she gets a chance to do

Do people actually watch live? Not criticizing, just don't understand why anyone would ever voluntarily sit through commercials unless they don't have a DVR. Maybe because I don't use Twitter.

Guy Whitey Corngood

Sure, but he plays the embodiment of pure evil so well. Plus his cop uniform is 2 sizes too small.

Surely Finch will, unintentionally or not, bait The Machine into talking to him, telling him to free Root so she can help combat whatever evil needs combating. Can't see how she could escape, unless Shaw helps her.

Yes yes yes. I was disappointed they only gave Glaber a couple of scenes. Surely he'll be back. You don't hire someone so awesome for just a bit part. We've got Crixus in Arrow, having Glaber in SH regularly would warm my heart.

You mean you're not looking forward to an episode, say, focusing exclusively on Diego Klattenhoff's character, where we learn what drives the man in his quest for justice?

I don't know if the show's writing is really as smart as your understanding. More and more, I feel like fan's comments are way more profound than the show itself.

In another context I'd agree with you entirely. But this context is power, retaining the most powerful job in the world. Power being an aphrodisiac here, though not just in sexual terms, but for power itself. More than race, this show is about power & what people will do to get it & keep it, and all the ways people

Sasha Roiz was indeed in Caprica. He was the best part of that show for me, so I was beyond thrilled when he landed in Grimm. I'd prefer he work with our heroes for the time being, rather than immediately turn to blackmail, because he plays the sensitive but strong fatherly type so well. It was fantastic having him do