Biff Wonsley

Yes. Charlie as a dead-eyed psychotic is a much better fit for the character & the actress. Charlie has come a long way from whiny "we have to find my brother" to hard & dead enough to understand the utility of someone like Monroe, rather than getting all emotional & trying to kill him. All that in just a handful of

Nah, gotta keep Monroe around. He's much more interesting as a badass with nothing to lose than a silly, whiny-voiced dictator. And Rachel understands that he's more valuable "dead" than alive. The Patriots will let their guard down and Miles & Co will lead the Revolution. Or something. Anyway, there's no way they'd

Well, if you can teleport away from any dangerous situation, then that eliminates the need to kill to survive. That's the best I got.

Agreed. Finally I'm interested in the show. Yeah, there was a lot of show not tell, but the little show there was was gripping. Now we have a story that makes sense.

I just like hearing James Spader talk

Come back next year, please! There's no better place to discuss this extraordinarily fun show.

Based on remarks from reviewers elsewhere on this site, so long as someone's willing to review it, it'll be reviewed. It can't cost much to post a single web page.

I was surprised at how genuinely badass Monroe looked as he swashbuckled through Charlie's would-be rapists. If he talks less & fights Patriots more, he could be an enjoyable character.

The tools don't matter to Felicity. She just uses them as a dumb terminal anyway to compromise every private & govt database in the world. Anything with a keyboard.

Does it help to point out that the running time is actually 61 minutes? Do people still watch live television? Anyway, 41 minutes isn't nearly enough time to tell a coherent story. I admire shows that somehow manage to do so on occasion.

Did I miss something, or was there no montage for the first time in forever?

Sarah Shahi is always worth the price of admission. Quite apart from her acting talents, she & Rachel Nichols are the 2 loveliest women on television.

Kathleen Rose Perkins sounded distracted the whole episode, & seemed to be speaking to someone off camera rather than whoever was actually with her. It was really off-putting & downright strange. I'll always enjoy our heroes, but she was terribly miscast.

I liked the Middle English, just to hear them speak it & see how many words/phrases I could understand or recognize. Language evolution is fascinating, & it is indeed fun to ruminate on the possibly anachronistic words or phrases Ichabod employs. So bonus points to the show for flattering, as well as entertaining, me.

They showed his ankles bound, I assume his wrists were as well. I went back & looked.

Red tied Noonan's hands & feet, & Noonan knew his goose was cooked. Hence Noonan's stupefied look.

Nothing here but James Spader, which is enough for me. It's a dumb show with a dumb premise a dumb co-star, but I could listen to Mr. Spader all night. He has a terrific voice, a great feel for sarcasm & is just generally enjoyable. So long as he's in almost every scene, I'm in for the long haul. Its ratings are

My better half keeps bringing up the point that Alicia did, somewhat obliquely, an episode or so ago. That is her fiduciary duty to the firm (I'm just repeating what I heard, IDK exactly what it means) & whether she's violated it. It could become an important, if complicated & confusing, plot point, which would be

The Simpsons did something similar w/a goat 20+ years ago, inserting it during Ken Brockman's news show. I hope that's where TGW got the idea.

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