Biff Wonsley

I thought the show did a reasonable job letting us think that Sherlock was of no mind to hunt down Not-Snowden & turn him in. Only after he murdered (it is, after all, a murder mystery show) were our heroes determined to actually bring him in. S&H weren't even angry that Everyone temporarily made their lives extremely

I was hoping, and they led us to believe briefly, that S&H would find Snowden & spirit him to safety somewheres. Then he had to go murdering & the story went a different direction.

She does have an alluring curve of flank, however.

What you said. No Elijah = no show for me. It's a dealbreaker.

Characters, perspective, whatever – if this show goes much longer w/o Elijah, I'm gonna have a hard time staying interested.

Will we be seeing a review of Tomorrow People, starring Steven Amell's brother? CW is doubling down on the superhero brothers, with their shows back to back on Wednesdays.

Which is also strange because it was no secret that Logue would be shooting Vikings. He already appeared in what would clearly be a recurring role in its 1st season.

Hate-watching implies having strong feelings toward the show. I think most of us are just numbed or somewhat bored by it now. I'm in til the end, regardless.

If it makes you feel any better, running time is actually 61 minutes.

Only Finch, the creator of the machine, respects the 4th Amendment. We can safely assume that the US govt in POI does not.

So nobody recognized him from The Following? Surely I'm not the only loser here who watched that craptastical show to the end.

Her system runs on diesel.

X-Files did a merge with the machine episode many years ago, in an episode featuring Kristin Lehman. I doubt POI would go that far, though simply having Root believe she could do it is interesting enough.

I'm one of the 6, then. For some reason I thought she was from TVD, then later realized it was Nikita.

I'm a loser then, too, because the Northstar opening was comedy gold.

Mrs. Florrick is violating, or something, her fiduciary duties to the firm, lying to her bosses, hiding that the new firm is going to pinch ChumHum. Either David Lee just wants her gone, or he's going to bring down the hammer hard on her. Or the show will inexplicably elide this issue.

I'll brook no criticism of David Lee, thank you very much, sir or madam.

Contrary to the review, I'm pretty sure Gillian was in withdrawal at the school, rather than high. She looked pekid & delirious.

Very cool. Also cool, my mom has a picture of herself as a 6-year-old with a Civil War veteran (great-something grandfather) on his 99th birthday. He was born in 1839, & was a prisoner in Andersonville. He died shortly thereafter. So, my mom with a Civil War veteran, now spanning 174 years. Living memory.

I love the way he talks/reads lines. It's like he's channeling Christopher Walken. It helped make his character unique. I'm sad he's gone.