Biff Wonsley

Abby vs Carter on POI – who rocks the cop uniform hardest? Hard to pick a winner.

Hasn't Irving told them, more or less, to figure this shit out under the radar? So long as they don't embarrass him, he knows there's weird shit out there but probably just doesn't want to know. Gives him some plausible deniability.

In direct opposition to last season's Nazi Clock & These Things Just Snap Right Off (or whatever it was.) Jesus those could've used a little levity.

Good to see Lyndie Greenwood getting more work with the imminent demise of Nikita, which I'm not ashamed to admit I enjoy, even if I should be.

Surely it's more reminiscent of Walter's Harvard lab?

Black boss, black woman cop, black sister/sort of major character, Asian zombie cop, faux-Native American guest, (is ex-boyfriend Latino?) – simply by the numbers this is a tremendously diverse show by major network standards.

Bear exhibits god-like powers on occasion, but he can't be always at Finch's side ready to pounce on any & all attackers. Part of making our heroes be a least a bit vulnerable for newcomers to the show.

Sarah Shahi is a goddess. I'm down with Root, but the presence of Shaw makes me happier.

We can't be the only people who had this thought. The new evil group seem to have Machine-like powers.

No need to care about Van Alden, it's Michael Shannon I want more of, regardless of the merits of his character. Even as he's sharing scenes with Stephen Graham, my eyes are always focused on Shannon. He's endlessly fascinating.

Graham's a fantastic chameleon. He fit perfectly into the world of Parade's End, a million miles from the world of BE.

And father of Derek Luke.

For the time period, I'd say Eli is a coddling, over-protective, mother hen of a dad. This was before the advent of the teenager in American culture. Children weren't handheld or babied by their soft, caring father. And higher education was a rare thing for working class folk, so if the son is boo-hoo unhappy with the

Yes. Michael Shannon's non-verbals are as entertaining as his dialogue.

Yeah, but in the UK they give every guy, grown ups, emasculating nicknames. Just add ie or sie to the end of someone's first name (sometimes last, provided it has the same affect) & you're golden. Stuff like Stevie, Chrissie, Giggsy, Scholes-ie, Fergie . Also, I hate Manchester United.

Going off her meds is stupid, but that's what we do. And that's of course why Carrie feels so great. Few things are as exhilarating as getting off Lithium. It's like your body saying "I'm free! Let's go to the moon!" And you kind of believe you'll actually make it to the moon.

Like Russia & the extinct KGB, you don't really want a horde of unemployed intelligence agents running amok in your country. They can get up to all kinds of no good, like taking over your country & making up all kinds of crazy laws.

Dar Adal of Homeland needs to initiate a nationwide search for Kagame of Continuum. That would hold my interest. We've already seen much of the pilot, in slightly different form. Carrie & her wall (now notepad) of crazy, Saul's tough love, Quinn straddling the line between good & evil, & Dana bent out of shape by

If they're gonna title the episode 'I Fall to Pieces' they might as well have had Juliette sing it. Except that would only emphasize how utterly forgettable all the other songs were. More Lennon & Maisy, less everyone else.

She can wear dorky glasses & pigtails or sunglasses & a mullet, so long as they have her & sis sing every episode. Anything they do is better than anyone else on the show.