Biff Wonsley

Avery's old base player got stranded in Chester's Mill, Under the Dome.

Unfortunately, Rob Schneider's been typecast as a stapler. It's hard to see him playing Geezer Bob. All I'd see is a stapler.

In contrast to Elementary, Sherlock now seems so, so busy. Obviously they only have a handful of episodes, while E has room to breathe. But I feel a little exhausted after watching S. And even though they did just have a handful of episodes, they still managed to have a stinker or two. But they're so very different

Oh, I thought we were talking about The Cult, the band.

Regarding seconds to impact, these things tend to explode before impact, which I'm sure the producers took into account when deciding exactly how long to have the power on before shutting it down again.

I'm still loving how all the power generators/power plants/whatevers were all in prime shape & ready to pump out electricity after 15 years of disuse, even if for only 4 minutes. Why does this anger me so, dear lord? Or perhaps admiration is in order for all the power workers in the Revolution universe, who silently &

As my doctor who is Mexican said to me yesterday, in a conversation not about The Bridge, Mexico's is a very macho culture. It doesn't explain everything, but it is clear that the obstacles to gender equality – culture, corruption & cartels in this instance, make optimism a rare commodity.

I have to say I found that a bit puzzling. If everyone knows that's where the bodies are dumped, why not have people survey the area 24/7 surreptitiously, so they can at least see where exactly they're dumped. Obviously, I am missing details that would make this scene less confusing for me.

If only more top college players told the NFL where they'll play, rather than the other way around. Imagine being drafted in your own profession, with no say even in the city you have to work in.

Point taken. Thanks for that, please excuse my insensitivity.

As is Marisa Tomei. They must drink from the same milk carton.

I take it you don't watch Revolution.

Oh, so only Hitler was evil? Tojo would like a word with you. In hell.

He also wears girly white shoes & can't pronounce an R to save his life. I'm not usually on the side of the Accent Police, but you'd think after 5 years someone would've put him through some pirate exercises. Arrrrrr. He's my brutha.

One aspect of the Wendy fake out that hasn't been mentioned – she may apparently want some guy named Luis to get a beat down, unless she just made him up as well.

More Roosevelt. You can never have enough Rockmond Dunbar.

Ron Glass – from Barney Miller! He's aged well for a star of an early 80s TV show.

Cuban-American playing an Israeli. The man has chops. He's come a long way since Sword of Gideon, which I recommend to no one, in which he also played an Israeli soldier.

Another of those TV things where providing one little detail would change a character's reaction entirely.

Are you a communist?