Biff Wonsley

I didn't have a problem w/Abby doing a 180 on Ray. She suddenly understands why Ray hates his father, why Ray has intimacy issues, why Ray has so much bottled up anger, & why Ray feels so loyal to & protective of his brothers.

Uh, it takes patience to dig a fuse out of plastic explosive. Reese had to go practice his conflict resolution skills.

There are treatments for your condition.

Sarah Shahi is just about perfect. I can't believe my dream came true & she's joined the show.

Probably shouldn't shoot people in a zoo when surrounded by children. Other than that, yeah, hard to argue, but I'll watch anyway just for James Spader.

Oh no. You, sir or madam, need to be watching Sleepy Hollow. Great ridiculousness should not be underestimated as entertainment value.

There must be half a dozen super awesome and/or super hot female TV actors available, yet they chose pleasantly bland & generic car insurance-y ladycop. At least find someone who doesn't look ridiculous sparring with the awesomeness that is His Majesty James Spader. Yvonne Strahmmmski, Anna Torv, Hayley Atwell, other

Also in the middle of the first day at your new job.

This show is way more fun than UtD & The Following. Those both also have ridiculous premises, but take themselves waaaay too seriously.

@Lupin Addams

House to Castle. Got a chuckle out of me.

You shut your mouth.

Me too. A couple years ago I spent months & months binge watching a shit ton of shows. Some were classics, a few were duds, but none made me happier than Castle. I've been happily on board ever since. Yeah, it disappoints sometimes, but the cast are so damn likable I can't help but enjoy it anyway. Is there a support

Ha. He appeared for maybe 60 seconds at the end of one episode. You might not even notice if you're not looking for him.

Re: your ultimate sentence, thank you. I don't give a shit about Gillian. She serves no purpose & is no longer even remotely connected to the other BE mainstay characters, though I do like Ron Livingston. No one who appeared on Band of Brothers can be bad. Except Jimmy Fallon. Also, I'm no fan of Gretchen Moll, & I

My brother had Legs Diamond albums when we were kids in the 70s. Now I know where the name originates. Thanks.

Yes. She was just playing a role to accomplish her objective.

Dalton began the season watching her close colleague be executed, which was a decent enough reason for her to start to lose it. So I don't think we had to rely too much on between-season stuff happening to explain her meltdown.

Honeysuckle has noticeably aged as well, though in a good way.

Well said. Michael Kitchen has always been superb. In earlier seasons I found myself alternately wishing Foyle was my father & that I was Foyle. He's so thoroughly decent, in a way that few characters ever are, w/o coming across as a boring old sap.