Biff Wonsley

Not just character actors, of course. James McAvoy & Emily Blunt appeared as brother & sister in a previous season.

Of the many people I know who grew up in El Paso, not one of 'em actually has a "Texas" accent. They sound mildly southern, if you listen for it. Maybe it's a suburban thing, or a higher education thing, I don't know, but I've noticed it before. I'd say it's from growing up in a city, but then there's Dallas.

Yeah, kind of like how letting a girl choke on her own puke = plane crash. Ridiculous.

It must be because I've seen the original & that The Bridge faithfully follows the original's plot, but I found the episode rather tedious. I'm really loving the show, so no big deal, but damn the bridge scene went on forever. Where's my son, I'm gonna shoot Frye, no I'm not, yes I am, where's my son, shoot him, no

Hey man, Big Tim Snitchypants didn't drive a musty RV. He drove that fantabulous ice cream trucky thing. He probably didn't bathe much, though.

I just wanted this (very short, like last week's) episode to end. They really dragged out the bridge confrontation. There just wasn't any sense of surprise or shock for those who've seen the original.

I've been thinking the same thing. After last week's episode I realized that none of the main characters on the show are likable at all, & then wondered why I should keep watching. I watch a fuckload of TV, so I'll watch anyway. But it was such a relief, in a strange way, when Tara's boss appeared on screen last

We need a Terminator to slaughter a bunch of govt agents at a hotel if we're gonna use Johnny Cash.

I'd be OK if Joshua Jackson just found another TV show to be in. He & Jason Isaac should be in a moody sort-of buddy show together. Maybe co-starring Laura Allen & Anna Torv.

Was there really time travel? I thought he just did a Rip Van Winkle, though maybe I missed something elsewhere.

Mison is super hunky. I wanted to cuddle with him. Though I was alarmed by his lack of being alarmed by speeding along in a magic vehicle at unreal, for 1776, speeds.

I cared about Sarah Jones for every episode of Alcatraz, thank you very much.

Hey! Harold is in this show. Is he gonna get high? No, he's going to have his thumb chewed off & then killed by the Mirror Monster.

Also, they kind of integrated the 4th brother into their clan relatively gracefully. He didn't hesitate to dive right in, didn't whine about the horrible thing they were apparently doing. Maybe Mickey told him about the abuse at some point.

Bunchy shooting the priest & then driving him to the gym all happened early in the morning, while still dark outside. It's sort of plausible that he could've done so undetected. Then again, we may find out next week that someone saw something.

See the above comments about the problem with setting the show in the real world. In Fantasyland, I'm happy that our heroes live to fight again for truth & justice. In the real world, it's kind of silly that the consequences are mostly on the order of "we feel really bad that this bad thing happened." When I pretend

Leona high at the party was a problem for some people, ok, but Jane Fonda playing Leona high at a party was fantastic. Sorkin being Sorkin, he gets some great actors, & that's probably the main reason I like the show. Plus I'll watch Olivia Munn do anything.

You must not watch Sons of Anarchy. Those montages would make your eyes bleed & send you reaching for your straight razor.

I had to play Pete T's origin version, loudly, right after to wash the taste out of my ears. I liked how Ep 1 ended with You Better You Bet, but this was a bridge way too far.

@Miss-Informed Opinion – Hank more than lost his way, & holding onto his dignity lost him & Gomie their lives. Hank cared more about saving face than stopping Walt. All this could've been avoided if he'd swallowed his pride & gone to his bosses as soon as he knew Walt = Heisenberg. Sure, he didn't have hard evidence