Biff Wonsley

No mention of Mare Winningham's scuba suit? You young people. Go watch St. Elmo's Fire already.

Wow, you just compared Alphas to Breakout Kings. Are we the only two people who watched both of those shows?

Hear hear. It's to this show's great credit that we're conflicted about Kiera, & that it doesn't try to tell us who to root for. It seems like we're supposed to be sympathetic to her, but her actions are so obviously problematic. But then we can sympathize with her desire to see her family again, although even then

Yeah, but BSG was an all-in genre show on a committed (at the time) genre channel. The chances of those two colliding again in the future? Well, we can hope. Alphas was a move in the right direction but, unsurprisingly for the current incarnation of SyFy, was canceled. A good case can be made, though, that Continuum

You are not in the minority, me thinks. Alphas deservedly gets lots of love in these parts.

Easy to be efficient when you look like Sonya.

Their goal appears to be to get Graciela to kill Ray, and pronto. I hope the transmitters were meant to be found for some reason. Otherwise the feds will look even dumber than in real life.

Not sure revenge is being focused on Daniel. The fake bomb seems now to be meant to get his attention & get him on the story. If Frye was working a story on Santi, maybe he was frightened off it & Tate is giving him a 2nd chance. Or something.

You're apparently not familiar with the ABC Family channel. Twisted currently has a (n almost) 26-year-old playing a high school kid (Grey Damon,) & there's been no indication that he's even a senior.

He's less absurdly brilliant than really good at generating felicitous (for him) coincidences. Turning off the bridge lights took some skills, but the rest seem more a case of taking advantage of insider knowledge. And coincidences, or maybe luck.

Zina is the "girl" Gus has been shown texting & IMing with, but also someone we (and probably Gus) has never actually seen.

The grass is always greener, the wife is always naggier, looks aren't everything & getting some strange is exciting in & of itself. He does a dangerous job. Going home to the same old same old is boring.

Well, if we're going there (just watched last night,) Angie has a grammatically difficult time with her usage of good & well, mistakenly substituting the former for the latter, sounding like a poorly-taught schoolgirl in the process. Bad girl.

I confused myself. Don't know why I used Chase rather than Branch. He was on Saving Grace? I tried a couple episodes but couldn't get into it. Lois Lane sure has changed since Smallville. I kept looking for her, eventually realized she was the main character.

I liked that show, dammit.

There's a comfort in resigning yourself to just running out the clock. If it won't matter when you're dead, why should it matter now?

Tommy just seems too sweet to molest a kid, especially one whose father he's just seen almost kill a guy. But you're probably right. I just don't think they've shown Tommy to be anything more than a confused fuckup, rather than someone capable of that kind of awfulness.

Not sure this show stirs up enough feelings to hate watch it. More like bore watch. I like so many of the actors, but it's just too dull to get worked up about.

Have to admit that the show didn't do a great job of distinguishing between Tommy Wheeler & Sean Walker. Obviously I know the difference now, but before this episode I would've had a hard time remembering which was involved in which plot. Maybe they could give them more generic names. Amen, motherfucker.

So how does one pronounce Absaroka?