Biff Wonsley

So ours isn't the only household that watches Major Crimes. I'll watch anything with President Roslin in it.

I don't see any hints that Walt & Vic have some unspoken feelings for each other. The idea's just being used, not in the most effective way, to put doubt in some character's minds.

Feel better now?

You know, the one with the ball, where they pass it around the field, attempting to get past the defense on their way to the goal line.

Walt's confession was hilarious, as was Hank & Marie's reaction.

Why must we apply real life morality to outsized TV show villains? Walt's audacious evil practically begs us to root for him, just to see how much more he can get away with.

Walt is most certainly still awesome. It's a TV show, real life morality does not apply. I want Walt to win, to get away with it all. I'm enraptured by his monstrous genius. Plus the show has done a great job of portraying his non-family victims as morally compromised as well. They don't all deserve their fates, but

Didn't Jane or somebody at some point mention that 30 lawyers went over the story before it aired? Maybe I dreamed it, or the character exaggerated.

I'm fine with Todd jokingly criticizing a game I love, I just hope that someday a TV show cracks on American football for being a game where giants dress up in pads because they're afraid that if they run into each other it will hurt.

Jane's wasn't so much an about face as a "No one's going to tell me what to do," with a side order of "that dick doctored footage, he's the only one who should be fired" (the condiment being "I'm not paying him shit.")

Soccer is a game.

Well, if they're going to crack on football, they might as well screw up American football as well.

She has a sexy, sexy voice. Especially when Sloan is being smart.

The Reichstag earned it.

Yes. Just because Hanoi Jane didn't fire them, that doesn't drain the episode, or the characters, of consequences or stakes. It's more interesting to consider how these people are going to continue to put on a show now that their credibility has been reset to zero. And, of course, if they're all fired there's no show.

Yes, regarding Louis/Mike. I was so looking forward to that and then…yank. Definitely missed a chance to take the show in a new & much more interesting direction.

Ever see pictures of WW1 soldiers who'd had much of their face blown off? Of course Deputy Faceoff was a goner, but if he'd been shot from the side & had his face blown off, w/o exploding his brain, he could've lived. Maybe Ruiz had that in mind, being a WW1 re-enacter & all.

Hannibal is in a whole 'nother league, which is not to denigrate BB or others, but it's like watching a big screen production every week. That said, it's very hard to compare because Hannibal is so unlike anything else on TV.

You are not alone. Ewwwww on both counts.

Yeah, go back to previous reviews & search for CineCraft in the comments & you'll appreciate his comment here a great deal more.