Biff Wonsley

I watched the original a year or so ago, & honestly the politics of it made so little impact I can't even remember what was going on. The appeal of the show was the two leads & their developing relationship, & it was very appealing indeed. There was a bit more attention paid to his family life than here, & there was

Yeah, from the very beginning, starting with the name of the show (Terriers? WTF?) FX screwed the pooch, har har. Credit to Landgraf for facing the music afterwards, but he never understood or had a clue what to do w/that show.

LWS has been hamstrung somewhat by its need/desire to ape the original. However, the original was only 2 hours long, so what's going to make or break the show is what they do w/all that extra screen time. So far, so not very promising, but there's still room for them to make LWS their own show, as it comes to that

You can die from alcohol & from benzodiazepine withdrawal. If he was addicted to both, he's in a bad way. Heroin (and related) withdrawal is torturous, but not deadly. Irregardlessly, it looks like it's the alcohol that's killing him. It's a bit less believable that he wouldn't know what to expect when he quit booze

She called Childress' number, right? She couldn't have called The Beast because he was blocking Caller ID when he called in previous episodes. Maybe I'm wrong about that, but I don't think Childress has anything to do with our main killer. He gave answers that sounded sort of like they could be coming from The Beast,

I was surprised & a bit put off. Some things, even from strangers on TV, are just TMI. Gish has been more unclothed than clothed this series.

We need a Lawyer Who Googles Things to answer that one.

This show gets mostly good reviews here for being a serious drama, when I thought it was at its best when it was a bro dramedy focused on Harvey & Mike. It appears to have forgotten that it's a USA Network show, chucking its breezy style out the window in a misguided attempt to be an AMC show. The more serious it's

To be fair, some of these troublesome plot pieces are lifted straight from the original. The opening murder & the prostitute girlfriend for example. There are legitimate complaints about The Bridge along those lines as well. That said, and as others have said, imagining how they'll stretch the original 2 hours to ten

I'm not entirely sure myself, but I think the suit is Jerry's against ACN for wrongful termination. Another confusing thing about it was having Maggie, an episode or two back, saying to MG Harden, "It happened," w/no context whatsoever, an least not for another 2-3 episodes. WTH Sorkin?

Ha ha. Oh man, that would be sooo like this show to have that kind of resolution. Save the link to your comment. You could very well have nailed it, sir or madam, & should deservedly crow in the event.

That's not nearly obnoxious enough. You're going to have to do better than this. I'd suggest peppering the obnoxiousness with some offensiveness, and maybe a personal attack or two.

I just hope that next season they address what to me would be the obvious result of this fiasco, which is that the network would lose much, if not all, of its credibility. Will especially, as I assume he'll be the one introducing the story on air. A big Dan Rather scandal, going on for weeks or months, is in order

Hauptmann was framed!

It was a bit odd, though, that the death of Will's dad wasn't even mentioned, much less made an issue. Unless they were screwing w/the time line again & I'm confused.

Was Sorkin trying to Brian Williams-ize Will? BW has gone out of his way to work against the Noble Man talking down to the serfs, or however you put it. If Sorkin was, he pretty much failed, obviously.

You wouldn't have been much fun at the Council of Nicea.

I liked how with one sentence she suddenly became a sympathetic character. I wanted to give her a hug.

It's great & all that the bball game setup thingy is there, but that's just going to make our reporters look like the dumbest people ever when it's only discovered after airing. And then that's going to destroy ACN's credibility, at least in our eyes if not in the world of the show. So does that mean next season will

I have a man boner for Sloane. And Olivia Munn. But especially for Sloane.