Biff Wonsley

I know it's TV and all, but surely one person wouldn't be allowed to hog the original footage w/o someone else ever looking at it. Sloppy, sloppy newsroom.

Unc'a Jimmy

Thank you for taking time out from your busy day to put me in my place. I am duly chastened & no longer feel superior, which of course was my intention in the original post. Good day, sir.

+2 Though I liked Hunted just fine, what with Melissa George & all. I didn't expect to like Banshee all that much, but after the prison fight with Powder I was all in. That was outstanding.

The core of the show is S&S, how they work together, give each other shit, get each other's backs, etc. If that doesn't resonate with you then the show's just going to seem kind of generic. Which is too bad. I love these guys.

Bunchy asked at one point & Terry said it was Shakespeare.

I keep watching because I like Liev & Eddie Marsan. That's about it. Nothing's really happening. No movement on the FBI front. We got a kind of non sequitur vignette of James Woods' character's life. OK. I'm not interested Bridget nor MGW, or even why he is a character on a show, any show. Apparently the son was away

She appeared to be laughing as they cuffed her, so I think it's the nose punching that earned her arrest.

You can actually edit your comments. I'm not a member of the grammar police, & don't really care, but there it is.

I find that I can better discern a show's quality when I watch alone (rather than w/my spouse.) That said, this show is terrible. I liberally use the FF button almost every episode. For example, I skipped the funeral, skipped Alcide & Sookie til Bill showed up. I'd feel obliged to watch the whole thing were I not

Not being overly endowed myself, if I were needing to appear on camera in all my modesty, surely they could afford me an appendage-extender that would make it appear as if equine blood coursed through my veins. In light of that, I applaud Mr. Skarkagaards (whatever) for just putting it out there for others to judge.

It should at least be said here that Hank is so fucked w/this investigation. Once he tells his colleagues, he's outed as a complete dumbass, he's off the case, & his career is probably over. So his ham-handedness is at least partly a result of these facts. He's desperate, he at least wants some evidence before he

Re: staying & negotiating w/Hank – How exactly would Skylar explain everything to paint herself as a victim? At which arbitrary point in the story would she say "this is when I knew but was too afraid to say anything?" Whatever lies & half truths she told would come back to bite her as they ask her to repeat her story

It was insightful in that I pointed out how uninsightful the whole first page of comments were. And there's no harm in thanking a person for posting a comment w/substance. The thumbs up button can't really convey that.

Walt might take a different line on whether Hank dies if his own death weren't imminent, if he was still protecting a vast, (obscenely huge) money-making enterprise. I don't think Walt's sense of morality plays into it. It's simply not necessary to kill Hank, so long as Skylar & kids are safe, which he could probably

All these comments & yet not one mention yet (that I know of) of "the monkey is in the banana patch?"

As I began to fear that Skylar was actually going to talk to Hank, I then started to wonder what exactly would she tell him? That would've been some seriously impressive, extemporaneous lying, because where in the story would she start if her intention was to paint herself as a victim? Whatever she said to Hank, he

The people who simply used the blue meth chose to use the blue meth. Many of the other victims (plane crash, for instance,) didn't willingly put themselves in harm's way. Not a hard & fast rule, obviously.

Not being a lawyer or law man, I do think Hank acquired the book legally. He was invited into the house, whereupon he discovered the evidence. Unless there's some law about not being able to collect evidence from your in-laws during family gatherings, that shouldn't be a problem. If it is, there might be a fruit of

Glad I'm not the only one still rooting for Walt.