Biff Wonsley

If Jesse talks he fashions his own noose. Is he ready to throw away his life because he thinks it's over already? I hope not. Doing a deal with a US DA would probably still leave him with 30 years & maybe parole after 25, at best.

I don't think it's entirely unreasonable to think Walt Jr might be sort of impressed by his dad's badassness. I recently watched the first episode again, & Jr was seriously turned on by what he perceived to be Uncle Hank's badass law man persona. Maybe that would transfer to appreciation of his father for not being

Finally. Had to wade through a page & a half of "comments" to find something of substance. Thank you. BB comments are a wasteland.

Anything with Herrik (sp?) was good. There were never enough vampires in my opinion.

Mitchell was always my favorite, as were his vampire associates. The show was always at its best when focusing on vampires, much like True Blood. Michael Socha was good, & I love Robson Greene, but werewolves I don't find particularly interesting, & I really hated Nina. Nevertheless, as someone says below, Being Human

I thought that, too. Fat sheriff guy from the first two episodes. I looked at the eyes drawing for far too long after the episode, but couldn't come up w/anything. Maybe Alma's kissy friend.

Gina said "I got the eyes right" or thereabouts, just before she kicked the bucket.

Mark Strong was all over a nasty, public toilet in Low Winter Sun. Ick.

"Don't touch me!"

Thank you for saying what we're all thinking.

There's no need to call mustache guy "creepy." Shame on you.

I feel the same way about Mark Strong & Lennie James, & almost the same about David Costabile. So here I am, unable to not watch, no matter how bad it might be. Same for Ray Donovan, because I have a hard on for Liev Schreiber. Goddammit. I can only hope that LWS gets better, because RD shows little sign of doing so.

I really liked how Charlie kept trying to lead the guy into admitting that sarin gas was used, yet guy wouldn't bite, all while Charlie refused to give him any info. As mentioned by Todd, we really needed to see Charlie be good at his job, not just be a smartass drunk (who stands up for his talent.)

I was expecting/hoping for Hal Holbrook as Will's father. Or maybe Tom Skerrit.

The problem w/Breaking Bad (and TWD) comments isn't just the large number, it's that the signal to noise ratio is so high. You have to wade through 50 smartass comments to find one worth responding to, so it's not worth bothering. Oh well.

Yeah, that scene was not remotely believable. Mickey would've been booed into silence in real life, I surmise. But then I don't need perfect verisimilitude if it makes for a good story, only Mickey is an awful character. The only interesting thing about him is his back story. Present day he's just a sore thumb

Yeah, how many meltdowns can Jesse have? Was shooting Gale the last thing he actually did himself, as opposed to reacting to what other people have done? Probably not, I don't remember for sure, but I do hope him chucking all that cash leads to him getting out & doing something, anything, other than sit around feeling

I thought that was a clunky set up for "Judi's tragic death in Danny's arms prompts his break with his father"

It's not entirely clear who planted the bomb, much less how the person could've known Sy would go for that car in particular, unless I missed something (entirely possible) & that was Sy's own car. I'll need to watch again, but it seemed like Sy just went for the nearest car.

Seemed like Ben set himself up to take Jimmy Caan's place at the head of the table, though unable to get rid of Ike, what with the long arm of the law keeping him at a distance. Stevie had really backed himself into a corner, though I could see Ben still forgiving him, admiring his gumption in trying to take down the