Biff Wonsley

Pretty thrilling finale. Not sure I buy Vera suddenly turning to the dark side, but she was always the least interesting character, though I suppose we can blame her pettiness & insecurity on her gypsy upbringing & inability to conceive. Ike always belonged with a grownup like Meg, rather than a silly child like Vera.

It feels like the emptiest court & kingdom in the history of television. Seriously, the street & battle scenes are practically devoid of crowds. Makes it seem like a tiny, low-budget cable production, & hard to take seriously, even if the ginger queen is lovely.

The serial killer & his antics were the prime plot driver in the original, so the idea of not having him be so here was never an option.

They lifted the falling wallet straight from the original. Maybe it's just the charm of Danish/Swedish, but it seemed like a fairly natural occurrence in that show.

I'd expect law enforcement would require bilingualism, but at the same time, I know a lotta people who grew up in EP, & it's kind of random as far as who learned Spanish & who didn't.

Has it been established that the guy Linder killed is one of Fausto's? I thought maybe Fausto was after him simply because killing gringas is bad for business. I'm sure I missed something.

You must be a communist if you need to be told to watch more TV. Why do you hate America?

Is Linder gonna go tell Eva that's she's free now? That will be a bothersome loose end for me until it's resolved. If it's resolved. If Linder survives his tête-à-tête with Señor Galvan. I just want more Eva.

And Spies of Warsaw with the lovely Janet Montgomery, who was later in Dancing on the Edge, where she was also lovely, if a little less clothed.

We enjoyed it as well, though we weren't blown away by it, having watched it on the heels of Utopia, in the shadow if which most TV shows would pale. Tennant's excellent, but of course Olivia Coleman is the standout performer here. I just feel bad for the folk who have to watch it cut up into pieces by commercials. I

Yes. There is something oddly compelling about them, but also off-putting, yet I can't look away.

A red ball bouncing was in pretty much every episode of the late, lamented A Gifted Man. Dead wife followed it into the street & got hit & runned. And so her character was a ghost.

If they want a 4th season it's easy enough for Linden & Holder to concoct a story in which Skinner somehow attacked her or whatever & the shooting was Justified. Better that than some drawn out IA investigation or some shit.

Agree about Sarsgaard's performance. I was expecting the usual tough guy facing execution, angry, defiant, proud. But instead we got some reality, as the man slowly disintegrates, has his hopes crushed, & ultimately can't face his son nor hardly walk to the gallows. The transformation was wonderfully compelling.

I was also strangely pleased by the lack of closure. And I was so immersed in the story that when it ended, rather abruptly, I was sort of stunned. I had no idea the 90 minutes was up. I imagine this was how we were supposed to feel at the end of S1. Two years later she's managed to pull it off. There wasn't a single

Holder calling Linden "1-900" has gotta rank up there as well.

Watching this back-to-back w/Continuum exposes FS for what a half-assed, try to please everyone, kind of show it is. I'm still confused as hell about what went down in the season finale of Continuum, but it's a good confused, rather than the WTF, or rather Why The Hell, I get after most FS episodes, wondering why they

The 4400 shits all over Falling Skies.

Fair point, but I'd kind of assumed the old & infirm had died off by now – starvation, disease, heartbreak. Though honestly I can't remember if they showed any old people walking around their compound.

Can't disagree w/the review, though I like the show regardless, probably because I like so many of the cast. I wanted to hug Terry/Eddie Marsan (not sure which, or maybe both) when he naturally turned out to have the coolest head when Ray lost his mind. Also because he broke the priest's hand. Though now I'm beginning