Biff Wonsley

I can't defend Nora as a character, but she is most certainly not blandly hot. She is distinctively hot & for that I'll miss her.

Best cure for Alcide-inspired boredom is the FF button. Should one not be watching live.

I'd bump Cochise up to a C, just because I love his voice (if not what it says) & he looks really cool. Plus, regeneration.

I kept refreshing the Feedly feed so I'd see the review as soon as it was posted. I was sure it had to be an A, but I needed validation.

Similar to FNL, in that while the plot went off the rails, the acting never did.

Of course I'd be fine with a renewal, but at the same time, it feels like they've wrung almost every last drop out of these characters this season. Maybe it's just a hangover from last night's episode, but I can't imagine another season w/this level of intensity. I'd be happy to be wrong.

The best part of the episode, by far. Once I realized it was actually Zeppelin I still had time to raise the volume to an ungodly level. Not unlike the 1st episode of Newsroom. Two crappy episodes with brilliant credits music (You Better You Bet for the latter.)

Hear hear. Extraordinary episode.

Penultimate episode & they spend it trapped underground doing fuck all. What a waste. So typical of this show. There's a war going on, yet you'd hardly know it watching this show.


That was the creepiest & gut-punchingest moment of the season. So heartbreaking.

Headphones, yes. I always watch the episodes a 2nd time w/headphones after wife has gone to bed.

It wasn't just me who saw Lawrence F wearing a Matrix coat when they stormed the house in the Molly Shannon episode, was it? That was thrilling.

Please don't jettison Hetienne Park. We need more of her sarcasm.

You must join the worshippers of Gillian Anderson.

I don't want to live in a world w/o New Coke. I loved that stuff.

Don't think I can take Will being imprisoned all season. Makes me claustrophobic just thinking about it. I need Will out in the wider world, messing w/Hannibal as Hannibal messed w/him. But then I've not read the books.

Me, too. We all deserved to have Mike & Louis work together for a few weeks. They're great together, & added some much missed levity to a show that has taken itself far too seriously lately. Now Louis just looks like a sad, lonely loser with nothing to do, and if he reacts like a normal human he'll be an intensely

One week later…I'm glad I don't live in the universe of Graceland, where heroin is instantly addicting. I'm all for stretching the truth in service of fiction, but that aspect of the episode felt like it was written by the ghost of Nancy Reagan.

She may also park on the Mexico side & walk across most days.