Biff Wonsley

Yes. No man has a one-nighter w/a Diane Kruger & then just writes it off as random luck. You pursue on the off chance that it could become a regular thing, or be haunted by the image of her in your mind for the rest of your life.

It didn't feel clumsy to me. I prefer Molly's explanation, that wife was (now) obviously curious about Sonya because he can't keep it in his pants. He brought wife to EP no try to assuage her fears, but that in itself doesn't mean he's changed. I remember having that wtf reaction when this happened in the original,

Yeah, I re-watched the 1st episode Monday, & it's not at all clear that Linder is a predator. He may just be a lone coyote w/bad manners.

Yeah, we were waiting for the usual rumble of drums at the end. That's actually one of my favorite parts of the original as they visit, in turn, each of the major characters. It's both ominous & thrilling.

If we're pointing the finger at Reddick, he would've needed to be killing Bullet & then at the station to take calls which he then did not tell Holder about. He could've done it, but it would've been a busy night for him, what with planting the body & other evidence. Maybe another cop?

We only bothered to watch the 1st episode because there wasn't anything interesting playing on that particular Sunday at that particular time. What a treat it's turning out to be.

It doesn't take away from the power of the scene, Holder finding Bullet, but I'm still annoyed that she didn't send a text message, or series of messages. It was well-covered here last week, but I can't resist saying again that the whole not answering your phone thing makes little sense in today's world.

To be fair, Nicole's friends were, if not asking for it, at least playing with some seriously dangerous fire. Outing werewolves, from the wolves' POV, cannot happen. Can't blame them too much for eliminating the threat.

Does TruBlood have the name healing effect as real vamper blood? I should probably pay closer attention.

Should've hired Tim Gutterson. That man don't miss.

Church's chicken is definitely #3 on that list, by far the most boring chicken joint in the galaxy. Gimme some original recipe or some spicy, just not that lame crunchy Church's dreck.

Funyuns disgusting?

Find a way to end gracefully? That ship sailed long ago, my friend.

What you said. Though I may have a slightly higher opinion of Willa. Of course, both of them apparently have no nudity contract clauses.

Nah, Sorkin should be applauded for having characters take political sides, & spew it in whatever fashion they like. Too few dramas engage with the world of politics in such an explicit manner, for fear of offending anyone.

Minus the Scientology.

Thought I was the only one. It was the 1st Sorkin show I watched & really enjoyed it. Maybe I'd change my mind upon a 2nd viewing.

Well said.

Will can't go from calling them terrorists one week and still defending them and being one the next

It's been this way from the beginning. The show is judged on the Sorkin curve. What would generate mild disappointment in another show results in a coal-raking for this one.