Biff Wonsley

I could accept that if there was one clear message emanating from the show, but there isn't. I'm no fan of drones, for example, but damn if I didn't find myself starting to agree with Will's analysis of the drone strike on an American citizen. I mean, I soon snapped back to my reality, but the show does a decent job

Alien Jesus & Tracys Face – agree. Too much "Captain Hindsight did it" criticism going on around here. Judging yesterday's news coverage is a huge part of the show. It ain't gonna change. Accept or move on.

Ashleigh Banfield says what?

I'm in for the duration, being in love with Liev and all. But I signed up on the understanding that Jon Voight wasn't going to hog so much screen time. To be fair, I can't tell how much is my hatred of the actor & how much my disgust with the character, the latter of which I can deal with.

Yes. Shaw busting Jesus out of jail. Oh my, Sarah Shahi is so fine. Or maybe an the end of the episode when she gets out of the ambulance driven by Leon, with the cool music playing.

I noticed. It was so random I had to stop & listen again. Strange to me since I'd just listened/watched it on YouTube, having had a hankering for some Live Rust.

Seems less a serial killer & more a statement killer who's planned this for years, rather than some generic super genius who just enjoys killing & fucking with cops. I don't know if that distinction would make any difference to viewers, nor how closely to the original the plot will unravel. He'll kill people to make

To be fair, if they're referencing the real killings in Juarez, it's not so much a serial killer as a series of killings. I hope they're not going to want us to believe one man has killed almost 400 women in 20 years.

As has been said above, & as I can tell you from having seen the original, all the pieces will indeed fit together. It remains to be seen how well this particular production makes it happen, of course.

You are not alone. Maybe it's because I've seen the original that I was on board with her character from the beginning. Anyway, it's hard to judge much about Sonya if you have no experience w/autistic people. I don't.

Sonya seemed to feel really bad about playing the recording for the reporter, & then her boss felt bad for making her feel bad.

Similar to how Jessica Hyde killed the homeless guy in Utopia. She ended up on her back strangling the guy after he'd fallen on top of her trying to escape. Neither had nice hairstyles.

He made me feel warm, fuzzy & safe in TOTL, so it's hard to shake that feeling & accept that here he's a predator, if indeed he did kill & burn that woman. He seems like a serious method actor, like he'll be in character for the 6 months or whatever it takes to shoot the series.

PM has already run once & assumed a new identity, which he had to do because, guilty or not, he was labeled a sex offender by/in his community. So now, with his life falling apart again, with even more serious charges being leveled against him, & knowing how hard it is to start all over again, he got desperate & did a

Should've read comments further down. Agree, Bald Prison Guard is surely the killer.

I haven't read every comment, so surely I'm not the only person thinking Hugh Dillon's character is the real character, am I? It would explain his absences & general (until tonight, anyway) asshat treatment of Seward. Actually, my wife thinks it. I just go along with it, since I'm terrible at predicting TV show plots.

I hope you're right. Not sure I'm ready to give this show that much credit, though, even if this season has been very good so far.

So effing annoying when shows ignore modern technology when it's inconvenient for the plot. We can come up with a rationalization or two, but we shouldn't have to. 99% of the desired demographic watching were all saying to themselves "send a fucking text, dipshit."

Dr. Lourdes Delgado MD, PhD, Chief Surgeon of Charleston General Hospital and now traitor – an extraordinary career trajectory. Maybe the alien bugs made her super intelligent & that's why she ascended the medical ladder so effortlessly.

It seems Mickey feels confident he can prove that Elliott Gould framed him for something, & equally confident he can do pretty much whatever he wants because the FBI guy will keep him out of prison, thanks to Mickey being a rat.