Biff Wonsley

Bunchy not accepting Ray's help is another one of those "he's good at his job, but fails with his family" things. Bunchy is a moron & will undoubtedly lose that $1.4m check, but apparently Ray hasn't made him feel warm & fuzzy like dear old dad.

Agree also. Eddie Marsan is wonderful, as he has been elsewhere. I'm happy to see him weekly, rather than just a one-off movie.

I'm hoping they're gonna finally use their super awesome vampire powers to break through that one-way mirror & kill themselves a governor. Or at least breakout or something. I know the show tends to not let vampires be all-powerful when it suits the plot, but surely they can overpower a few guards & start a prison

Hey now. Nora is the female Alcide – utterly pointless & useless, but super hot & so welcome in small doses.

Better than Whistler from Graceland.

Poor, poor Theresa. Finally takes her clothes off & gets a death punch in the face for her troubles.

Todd Bridges?

That's racist.

You that's it let's go.

Yeah, & bleak is certainly too strong a word for the desert. It has its beauty. The drive along I-10 in west Texas can provide stunning views, in addition to Sonic & Whataburger.

I've watched a few Morses, the first few of the entire series most recently, & honestly can't see how this Endeavour turns into that Morse. But no matter. I think this is far better than Lewis, not corny at all, very soulful, as someone said above. I said above that I really enjoy the mood of the show, & in a way the

Roger Allam is fantastic, fullstop. He's got such a beautiful voice, great comedic timing, & a quietly commanding presence. I really like this show anyway, though. The mood of it is just really pleasant. I'm in a good mood after I watch it. Doesn't sound like much of a compliment, but it definitely is.

Yeah, we should've had Nora & Willa at least topless at some point this season. That should be written into any True Blood actor's contract. If you won't take it off, you can't be on the show. Even Anna P eventually joined the club. I don't watch for the gripping drama.

I FFed thru the non-vamp parts the past couple of seasons, but decided to go all in this time. The non-vamp diversions have been surprisingly not-awful so far, but usually relatively brief. The focus has mainly been on the vampires this season, to the show's credit & benefit.

Better not be the last we see of Rutger. That would be a supreme waste of a talent who's a good fit for this show. Plus I just watched Blade Runner & am jonesing for more of the great man.

Krycek also has inexplicably disappeared from Continuum. His small role here as inmate doesn't quite explain that.

So if he just helped, but didn't harm, Angela, he's on the run w/Linden because he panicked, knowing he's been found out & that they think he's the killer. Not the most elegant storytelling, but believing you have nothing left to lose & that you might as well do something crazy to prove that you're not the killer can

Agree w/ccla. We weren't meant to feel sympathy for Becker, but rather enjoy what a fucking losers he is, and see that even a man on death row has more dignity. He couldn't even take responsibility for the other prisoner killing himself, blaming someone else. Instead he just made an obviously flimsy excuse.

does Tom really need to keep all his sons?

Low level school nurse? She's a surgeon, dammit! Show some respect. Med school is overrated.