Biff Wonsley

Love the love for Eddie Marsan. He was excellent in Red Riding.

Aww, beat me to it. They killed Lawnmower Man.

Rutger Hauer, Hal Holbrook & Lance Henriksen

I thought maybe asshole guard was in trouble because he's Chief's (nice guard) boss & was responsible for Chief's fuckup. Probably too complicated an explanation.

Had to RR & turn on CC to figure out that he was saying "vintage playa." Then we laughed heartily. Best line of the season so far.

Jason Isaacs is awesome. Almost as awesome as Liev Schreiber. Brotherhood was pretty damn good. Even if there's only so much Rhode Island accent I can take in one night.

You're not alone. I'm intrigued, like that it has a pedobear aspect, & love some of the actors. Don't really care if it's been done before. That's not reason enough to toss it aside.

I'll watch Liev Schreiber do anything. From the first time I heard his voice on PBS I've loved the man. So I enjoyed the first episode & wasn't too bothered by anything, because Liev Schreiber was in it. Also, Eddie Marsan, who is awesome in his own way. So it would have to be really, really bad for me not to like it.

Thin mustache guy has an enormous head. There must be satellites orbiting that thing.

No, I'm pretty sure they didn't. But I'll be damned if I won't find a way to shoehorn all my learnin' into a comment now & again.

Well, if it helps any, Germans thought of themselves as poor, oppressed victims through the 1950s, until the next generation grew up & called bullshit on that. I'm sure the writers had that in mind as they plotted the season's stories. Yuk yuk.

Do Landing Strip merkins exist, or must they all be '70s merkins? I get it on Spartacus, but this 2013.

I'm not sure he meant it literally.

Awww, Ladyhawke. That takes me back 30 years. Actually 28, upon further research. Damn, Michelle Pfeiffer is, uh, mature. Looks better than Rutger Hauer, though.

I watched FNL but never put name & actress together. It's just fun to see that people are still named Smollett.

+1 for creativity & improvisation

How many times are they going to tease us w/the possibility that Rosemary's Baby is going to talk to someone other than Anne? Probably not again, as we're going to spend the rest of the season searching for her & Goat Cheese. What a thrilling prospect.

It was obviously General Cylon who gave away their position & brought on the attack. Unfortunately, not even the general himself knows he's a Cylon.

They're setting up Chief to somehow help Seward beat the rap. I'm guessing Chief will somehow get in touch with, or is friends with Holder or Linden. Hopefully before bald guy in charge kills all the prisoners with his bare hands.

Should've told your teacher about sansabelt. Nothing more comfy than polyester blends.