Biff Wonsley

I assumed Seward called his wife a whore just to be a dick, since he's given up & just doesn't care anymore. Maybe not.

Newsroom knows what it's doing, & doesn't care about the haters.

Or a stakeout at the hotel which, you know, his mom owns.

Ms. Saraiya, you are far too kind. Someone below mentioned Jo, which is what immediately came to mind while watching this steaming pile. Except Jo is twice as good as Crossing Lines, though two times zero still equals zero.

I suppose I just prefer my FBI agents to be much less California surfer dude & more grownup, trained agent who can pretend to be California surfer dude when on duty.

Mike may look like a douche, but Johnny is the real douche. In addition to his liberal use of yo & bro, he also used the words dope & word tonight. Don't know why he needs to be a brainless frat boy, but it makes him look even more ridiculous when he puts on the FBI stormtrooper gear.

Thrace is on the mark here. I wrote elsewhere here, less elegantly, that she's indeed in way over her head. One false move & she'll be dinner. Hannibal enjoys toying with her. She plays it cool, but she may also be terrified underneath.

Sincere regret? I don't believe Hannibal has ever been sincere about anything in his life. With every action he takes he's sizing up the situation, looking for ways & things & people to manipulate, simply to satisfy his curiosity. He puts on his Person Suit when he needs to mimic human emotions, but the emotions

"Walking on Sunshine"

Expletives wouldn't enhance or not enhance, but there's no way a real Jack Crawford wouldn't have a strong predilection for enhanced communication, so to speak.

Scully may enjoy the back & forth w/Hannibal, but surely she's in full-on self-preservation mode by now. If Hannibal gets the least uneasy with her continued presence in this world, she's toast. Or served on toast. So she may know, or strongly suspect, but she's playing a very dangerous game. Dr. Brainscan displayed

Kacey Rohl looked so stunningly freckly & lovely in the colors of this show. Combined with her blue eyes, I couldn't take my eyes off her.

Grateful as I am to NBC for Hannibal, I'd really like to hear the multiple expletives we know would spew from Jack's mouth every week, were this on pay cable. I think Beverly would have a sarcastic potty mouth as well.

13 episode run would improve just about anything. Much as I like spending time with my favorite characters on the best 22+ episode shows, only a creative genius can maintain quality over that many episodes.

I can't say that I saw Mads was in it so I knew it would be good, but he's certainly the reason I tuned in to begin with, and why I expected it to at least be better than our regular serial killer fare. Having seen him in Flame and Citron, I was itching to see him on television.

If they axed everyone but the vampers the show might suddenly come good again. That's why I originally tuned in, and while they dealt, however inadvertently according to Ball, with sex politics, it was pretty damn good & interesting. Once they introduced all the other dumb supernaturals, it went downhill quickly, a

Nice that we first see Rutger Hauer as he's picking up a hitcher. I suppose Lance Hendriksen wasn't available to play Warlow. Rutger's well on his way to being as craggy-faced.

If you're willing to watch True Blood, then surely you're not above watching The Killing. That's 45 more minutes accounted for, then.

Yours is the experience of every scifi fan who watches the show, I imagine.

Can't agree more with Hipster. I don't care what Nora does or how dumb she is or how much she drags down the show. Lucy Griffiths is mind-alteringly sexy. I barely notice other characters when she's onscreen.