Biff Wonsley

Worst possible time waster imaginable? How quickly we forget demon baby & PP depression. If only Maggie & Lourdes were tragically killed in the alien attack next week.

Falling Skies only wishes it was as interesting as Continuum. Though I wouldn't mind a show with a Pope vs Roger Cross showdown. Pope would fit right in with Liber8.

The PP depression stuff, well, they've put pointlessly stupid scenes like that, & the stupid tree of stupidity in this show from the beginning. It feels like they let a junior high english class write one scene per episode & that's what we get. Every time I think it's turned a corner into being a decent aliens vs

Thanks for everything, Les. I'm not surprised the show didn't get much love, considering its network & competition. But I am pissed at Showtime. And maybe a little at Jordan, for not recognizing what great characters Machiavelli & Julia Farnese were & using them more. But maybe history dictated it so.

Did I say alarming? I meant refreshing.

Your cynicism is alarming.

I'm sure it'll be enjoyable enough in the long run, but the frat boy banter, where the guys talk like dipshit teenagers (bro this, bro that) is kind of wearing. I guess I prefer my agents to act like grownups now & again, proper old school G Men.

Me, too. Can't be looking at previews if you don't want awesome USA Network cliffhangers spoiled. This finely-honed skill comes in much handier for better shows, but doing it on Graceland is good practice. It takes a lot of skill to watch television. Not many people know this.

Yes, the women are 1st rate in Magic City. It does strike me as a love it or are bored by it kind of show, though. I love it, and like that just because it's a pay-cable drama it doesn't try to be EXTREME with the sex & violence. I got no problem with sex or violence on tv, but too often it's used as a stand-in for an

Having a June festival of any kind where a big chunk of the attendees aren't from Texas is insane. You guys got lucky this year, as like most of the country our summer is running late. But we're usually well into our long run of daily temperatures breaking 100° at the time of ATX. I live here & I don't want to go

Unfortunately for her, I was lost in her blue, blue eyes. I was too mesmerized to do anything but babble incoherently.

Consider this case closed.

Serves Abigail right for thinking that poor, sweet Will is the copycat killer.

Hannibelia? Bedannibal? Hannibedelia?

GA definitely deserved her role in The Fall. Seek it out if you haven't already.

Framing Will wasn't Hannibal's plan all along, though. Hannibal's just taken advantage of serendipitous circumstances, which have allowed him to point suspicion toward Will. Hannibal may even be somewhat remorseful at needing to do so, and therefore may have indeed had some pretense toward a twisted idea of

Ignore the haters. Google Translate is my friend.

exists in that…realm that makes us complicit in his crime and invested in wanting him to get away with it.

Is it asking too much that we just have a nice, relaxing dinner that isn't made of people?

Isn't Will somewhere on the autism spectrum? That could explain his inability to understand how people are using him, if he's not entirely clued in to interpersonal relations. He seems susceptible to bullying, and may be unable to distinguish between being bullied & being cared for. Hannibal certainly blurs that line