Biff Wonsley

Les Revenants from France. Fantastic zombie series, minus the people eating & general mayhem.

Thought I was alone in my love for New Amsterdam. Such a handsome boy, too.

Hey Les, let me say that appreciated & enjoyed your thoughtful reviews. It's a thankless task, reviewing a show which wallows in its own suckitude, but you managed it well & in an entertaining fashion. Maybe you can switch w/Sims & cover The Following next season, though I imagine you think you've endured enough

There's no need to apologize for watching Falling Skies. Especially in light of the fact that you watch Revolution. If you are incurable, I don't want the vaccine.

Tom Skerrit. Though something tells me he's dead. Hal Holbrook?

Unlike the power plants, the nukes had not magically been kept in good repair, so while they hit their targets, they didn't explode.

Glenn Morshower disposed without so much as a fare-the-well.

I was neither curious nor eager to see this finale, nor that of Nashville, yet I watched both last night. Neither failed to disappoint with silly twists & overwroughtitude aplenty. I suppose to my credit it took me 12 days to make myself watch Nashville. I'll be sure to mention that to St Peter.

Yes. Thank you for pointing out the ridiculousness of the power coming on immediately. Especially liked the guy turning on & off his banker's light, as if he'd been doing that for 15 years straight, & then finally it comes on. Hurray! All my efforts weren't for naught!

It would make far more sense (hence it's absence) if they'd been asking Aaron how it is that he's still fat in a world whose agricultural productivity must have taken a disastrous turn for the worse. Or something similar, but eloquent & elegant.

Don't feel bad for Giancarlo. Surely he was paid a hefty sum for attempting to carry a show that couldn't be carried by 10 Espositos.

The Pretender! Thanks for that blast from the past. I'd forgotten that ever existed. Now I have to find a way to watch it again. God bless you, and God bless television.

I still think Delphine needs to pay for her indiscretions. At least keep the relationship platonic. Look how Donnie managed to get back in Alison's good graces. Trust no one.

I applaud your banging on. The very idea of a "British" accent should make the amateur linguist in all of us pull our hair out.

Ah, my mistake. Thanks for clearing that up.

Alison is a truly messed up person having a breakdown. Her perfect world has been turned upside down. A person she thought was her friend turns out (she believes) to be the tool of some powerful & evil cabal who created her as a science experiment. She doesn't believe she can trust anyone anymore. None of us can say

A clone again, naturally

Count me in the club of people who don't think clone stories are rote, cliché or tired to the point of eye rolling. It's an interesting concept, one done particularly well here. Anyway, there are only so many variations on stories that can be told. If we avoided shows because "Simpsons did it" we wouldn't have much to

Art & his perpetual look of painful constipation bugged me no end the first few episodes, but he's grown on me. His loyalty to Beth, his apparent intention to help Sarah if he can, & just the fact that he's not a bull-headed cop who's "gonna get that scumbag no matter what" makes him a good egg. I look forward to Art

Surely the cops would at least have their interest piqued by the fact that the disposal had been turned off. Were Aynsley actually alone it should've been on when she was discovered.