Biff Wonsley

No excuse for not giving out Bluray screeners, or at least mp4/mkv video playable on a laptop or tablet. You'd think they'd want reviewers to see their shows in the best possible light, so to speak.

Jack also doesn't know Will is losing time & making messed up clock drawings. He sees Will minus all that, so being pragmatic, to Jack, doesn't seem cruel, or feel like he's pushing Will too far. To Jack, Will seems his normal, demented self.

Having seen & loved (and been a little weirded out by) Flame & Citron, I was in from the beginning. But then I'll watch any ol' drama, however awful, at least once.

Was Millennium really an X-Files spinoff? I thought it was just another Chris Carter creation. Frank Black did appear in X-Files, the Four Horsemen, end of the century episode, but I don't think it was a spinoff.

Liber8 FTW, if people still say that. I'm hoping for the day Kiera takes over Liber8 w/Alec. Fonnegra v Cameron, Fight for the Future.

Surely we were to see the hallucinations to all be caused by hypothermia, and not just in the cabin, when he actually said so. Let's say he was just then realizing that they were all caused by the cold. But apparently he did something to avenge his wife's death/possible murder, & that's coming back to bite him now.

Me, too. Robert Taylor has grown on me for some reason. I think he reminds me of my dad, who was not a sheriff, nor a country boy, nor a widower, nor a loner.

Apropos of not much, I just did that with Continuum, a surprisingly complex & complicated show. Really hope there'll be a 3rd season.

Alison's life was burned down the moment she was conceived. It's just taken a long time to catch up to her, the flames and all.

Only down side is I just discovered that next week is the season finale :-(

Part of the intervention was about pill-popping/drugs, so of course first thing she does in the bathroom w/Felix is open a bottle of pills.

At least Donnie didn't blow the roofer.

I've seen 'em all, too, and also like it. But that's about all I can say for it. There's nothing remarkable about it. It's very stereotypically Canadian in that it's just so pleasant. Especially the non-Kristin Lehmann detective. Such a blandly inoffensive, pleasant kind of guy. There are some dark-ish characters, but

I've only ever seen Roiz in Caprica, but loved him in it & was super stoked when Grimm debuted & there he was. Meow indeed.

Thanks for the history lesson, seriously. I didn't remember/maybe wasn't aware that the royals are human. Makes much more sense, Renard's situation as the bastard child. Though being ½hexenbiest should mean he can kick his brother's ass. I was hoping he would when Bad Brother called Renard's mom a whore. Uncool, man.

The New Madrid earthquake of 1811. Only a weird date if you don't know about it, though unless you live in the area or pay too much attention to Uncle Tupelo lyrics, there's no reason anyone should.

There's something to be said for a man who makes a conscious decision to not cry. The alternative is to feel a mountain of pain, which is a frightening prospect.

I thought maybe Daniel could've made a run for it, broken through the circle, but instead he threw the first punch. Maybe he felt that he deserved the beating.

Yes, thank you South Park & Eric Cartman.