Biff Wonsley

Exactly. Daniel was showing Teddy that you can't fight a gang rape. Daniel took it way too far, but I thought it was pretty clear that's what happened.

Cardinal Sforza, I just realized, is my favorite character. The actor playing him conveys an amusing amount of disgust & contempt with just one sideways glance. The brief moments he's onscreen are delightful. With his attitude, you'd think he'd be scheming night & day to get rid of Rodrigo. But then he seems like more

To be fair, it wasn't entirely straightwashed. There was acknowledgement that an affair happened. But yeah, they've straightened him up. Any excuse for female nudity.

Satisfying? I thought so. It was the kind of show where (almost) everyone you initially thought was bad turned out to be good (& vice versa,) though in a fairly believable & enjoyable way. But what I enjoyed most was how the main characters were actually fleshed out, shown to be more complicated than just do-gooders.

Ugh. Thanks for mentioning picture quality (and pardon the interruption.) Oh for the days of true HD coming down my big ass satellite dish, before the networks encrypted & then compressed everything into the equivalent of a water color painting. I remember watching the first episode of Lost from the uncompressed ABC

When I first started watching the show, it took me a while to accept Maggie Q weighing 80 lbs yet kicking ass. I thought this one show has finally gone over the top & cast a full-on anorexic. Glad I was wrong to judge, in so many ways. For a show this silly, I've only ever cringed a handful of times. This & Fringe

Kira could be like Dakota Fanning's character in Taken, though I hope not. This show doesn't need anything like superpowers.

I thought they did well by making us think Alison was going to get t-boned. They always get t-boned when we're shown that angle. And of course children simply do not get hit by cars. So much for that.

I assume this criticism comes from a Russian speaker, or one who has spent considerable time amongst Russians speaking English. I'm interested in what gives it away.

If you're going to have Ron Perlman, you gotta have Linda Hamilton.

Scott & Bailey! Thanks for mentioning that. One of my current favorites. Lesley Sharp, Suranne Jones & Amelia Bullmore are so much fun, & it's great to see a cop show where all the major characters & bosses are women. Not to mention some of the criminals.

New Zealand's The Blue Rose. Not sure what it compares to, it's a kind of soapy murder mystery which recently aired, a enjoyable mix of humor & drama & subverting of expectations. New Zealand's done pretty well lately, with TBR, Top of the Lake & the currently airing Harry with Sam Neill (!)

Kasper Juul (Pilou Asbaek) has lately appeared in The Borgias.

I must object strenuously! Only one episode a week? You poor dears! In this age of Netflix & Amazon, to be arbitrarily restricted to one a week is criminal. I was grateful the BBC at least parceled out 2 per week, as it did with Forbrydelsen.

Yay, Borgen!

Olivia may get Jake out of the hole, but he'll be seriously damaged by the time that happens. No happy endings.

Indeed. Surely everyone knows him from My So-Called Life!

I like Jeremy, too. He grew up from being a whiny little pussy to a badass vampire hunter. He should be a more active force in the show, should they let him, rather than a little brother needing protection.

The BBC version has the much better theme song.

Surely it's perfectly acceptable to like both versions for different reasons, w/o feeling the need to pronounce one as awful, meanwhile denigrating those w/differing opinions.