Biff Wonsley

To quote Stan from American Dad, it'd be weird if you didn't (ship Sherlock & Moriarty.)

Yeah, but Andrew Scott is so much fun I don't really care. I love that guy as an actor. He does tortured soul/psychic pain so well.

What Tunt said. I'll assume Moriarty shorted dinars & made off w/a bundle. Currency instability is a great opportunity, so long as you have a heads up.

Thank you. The accent police make me crazy. There are hundreds, at least, of regional & local accents in England alone. Just as there is no one English or British accent, there is no one American accent for Ms. Dorner to attempt. Would we say she did a better job if she sounded like Ted Kennedy? Maybe a housewife in

Have to agree. I wasn't much looking forward to these final episodes, because I assumed the storytelling would be constrained by canon, & therefore not especially interesting or clever. Glad I was wrong.

Grrr. Never understood criticism of accents. They're the easiest thing to criticize, & pretty much impossible to do correctly, the equivalent of a man trying to pass himself off as a woman. Some detail will always give it away, no matter how well done.

Well done, Mr. McNutt. Thanks for your thoughtful reviews throughout the season. My enjoyment & understanding of the show has been very much increased by your writing. I didn't expect much from this show but, much like Person of Interest, it's become quite a gem.

Admit? I'll do nothing of the sort!

Yeah, can't argue with that, except then we won't get what we've waited all season for – Scarlett & Avery reunited! I know everyone here is sooo looking forward to that.

Cowboy Will was cartoonishly upbeat, like Roger's Roland Chang: Super-positive Asian on American Dad. Gay Cowboy Will is awesome, his upbeat façade masking the pain accumulated over the years, years of pretending to be someone else. Oh, Gay Cowboy Will, my heart breaks for thee, and stuff.

Me & my 2 siblings are adopted, & my mom used to keep similarly sensitive documents in a box in her closet. Not paternity sensitive, but stuff revealing enough that I eventually used it to find my birthparents. I had to dig around to find it, but not everyone has a super secure, airtight wall safe in which they store

I admit, I am the only person on the planet who has a soft spot for Katie Cassidy

Tommy & daddy looked pretty dead, but I can see Tommy surviving. What I can't see in him becoming evil black arrow guy (sorry, not familiar w/the comics.) He turned against his dad, forgave Ollie & Laurel, & generally seems pretty levelheaded.

Call it an earthquake machine, but surely an underground nuke could cause similar damage in a parallel, if heightened, reality. Maybe we'll deal with radiation sickness in the fall. But no superpowers, please. These guys/gals are awesome, and more impressive, w/o them.

Better than The Red Blue Blur.

Thanks for defending the flashbacks. Regardless of one's feelings about them, the simple presence of Manu Bennet makes it worthwhile. Everything else is gravy. And there's some good gravy.

My friend, if you've been suffering through Defiance, you've earned the right to enjoy Arrow.

Shame on you guys. The rest of us earned our viewing of the finale. You cheated.

The chain climb & drop was awesome. It kind of hurt to watch, that fall.

Having Smallville Arrow guy be Arrow here would've been a tragic, laughable misstep. That guy was as tough & scary as a kitten. Which worked well enough in Smallville, because everyone there was kind of wimpy. Arrow's is an entirely different, grown up, universe.