Biff Wonsley

Green Arrow could break mom out of prison. I'm sure they could come up with a good reason for that to be necessary.

Agree that Barrowman was fantastic. I liked him in some of the Torchwood stuff, and love him for that, but he often seemed kind of lightweight. Maybe it was Captain Jack, maybe it was the actor. But he seems much more substantial in Arrow, much less Peter Pan-ish. Whatever it is, I'll miss him.

Yeah, when Merlyn/Barrowman did the table smash it startled me in a good way. That man does rage very well.

Helena on Orphan Black survived rebar through the abdomen as well, earlier this season.

Did you say Shakespeare or Mozart?

The days when SyFy commissioned 22 episodes of anything (BSG) are long, long gone. Probably for the best, considering what passes for sci-fi on SyFy these days.

June 15th?

I can imagine Irisa's gift being tied to Antarctica: A season could end with her saying "It's real. Antarctica is real." or some phrase to that purpose.

That kind of answers my question below (above?) if you're right. What kind of methods the Republic approves of seems to be an important question for the show to answer.

I'm a bit confused by the e-rep woman. It seemed like the ripoff was set up for her to profit personally, but then she's freed by a fellow traveler due to some kind of diplomatic immunity. Do her bosses know she's a thief, or would she be in trouble if they found her out? I suppose the raid was part of the plan to

Hey man, back off Continuum. The 2nd season's pretty good so far. Plus it has the insanely beautiful Rachel Nichols. With the departed Fringe, canceled Alphas, Continuum & Defiance, sci-fi fans have had it pretty good lately. Our best run since BSG.

Goooooood morning Vietnam!

At least Teddy didn't cheat on his wife, so he's not entirely selfish & self-centered. Not that I like him, smug prick.

"Do you believe it was ill-gotten?"

He attacked him to show that when a group of men want to rape you there is truly nothing you can do about it. Not the most subtle way to show it, but Daniel probably expects to at least not be attacked, verbally anyway, by his own family. Hard to defend, but easier to understand.

Monkey bread also serves to emphasize the provincial nature of Paulie. You bring home your big city friend from Atlanta or somewheres & might be kind of embarrassed when small town mom offers him monkey bread. I know I kind of cringe every time they say it. Unselfconscious people in a small town provoke different

Superlatives don't seem appropriate in describing this show. Maybe affecting, provoking, head-scratching, something along those lines. And holy mother of god depressing watching alone late at night. Truly remarkable probably works best for me. Erik is so right saying that this episode really makes us realize that this

While it may be evil to not help the kid & instead bonk dad on the head, I thought it was kind of obvious that if they helped that kid, then they'd never escape that town, as every Tom, Dick & Harry would insist on being healed as well. Greater good & all that, even if that's not actually Rachel's motivation.

Due to the ambiguous nature of Pellegrino's execution (was he or wasn't he?) there remains the possibility that he could end up leader of The Baker Republic (his name is Baker, right? I'm too lazy to check.)

I admire your ability to delineate shades of hatred, though I have to say that Spiridakos inspires mirth & ridicule rather than hatred.