Biff Wonsley

Such a wonderfully strange experience to watch w/my partner as Helena comes on screen & partner says "god I hate her," then Cosima comes on & "awesome." In the diner it never crossed my mind that this was the same person playing both characters. And as Helena rides to the rescue at the end, again, it's just weird

Was any reason given for O wanting a tail, other than he wanted something completely useless in his pants that always got in the way? I'm not particularly bothered, as I suppose it's just to show what a freak he is, but still.

Sarah recognizes that she needs a protector. Who better than a trained soldier, & one who just proved his loyalty? If that means sexing it up now again with a hot guy, so be it. Plus, don't underestimate the closeness generated by a shared near-death experience.

I also watched every episode. Not sure why, exactly. DQ didn't do more than look constipated & grunt. Jason O'M just sounds silly talking cowboy, & the son was poor comic relief. Sarah Jones was the only actor who seemed to actually belong in that time & place. Everyone else felt shoehorned in to parts that didn't fit.

Good call. BSG miniseries didn't just hook me, but rather grabbed me by the neck & threw me on board.

For the longest time I resisted watching Breaking Bad, what with the cancer & the meth & how awfully depressing it all sounded. Finally, having run out of stuff to watch a couple summers ago, I gave in & tried it. By the end, w/Walter out in the desert in his undies, I was hooked. I'm a sucker for good guy gone bad

Re: last year hearing the machine talk for the 1st time – was tonight the first time it communicated with a cell phone? Probably not, but off the top of my head, I only recall it using pay phones.

Don't you dare call Shaw a murderous sociopath! She was a govt employee doing her job, one that she was very good at. Then she was on a revenge mission. She doesn't wantonly kill people. Root kills & then justifies it to herself with her own twisted logic. Shaw is eminently reasonable but, understandably, doesn't

Yes, great quote & delivery by Shaw, one of several reasons I hope she has a larger role next season. I'm a big Sarah Shahi fan. She plays a good, tough, smartass assassin, and she is so, so painfully hot. My god she is hot. More sleeveless shirts like last week in the station.

(A shame that he was her friend, but hopefully he'll eventually be able to take her away from all that anyway.)

It's an interesting contrast in that we get graphic sex scenes of the honey traps, but the "real" sex scenes are much less so. Thinking specifically of Stan & Nina, along with Phillip & Liz in the pilot, then Liz & Gregory before he bit the bullet. Not sure exactly why that might be, or maybe I'm just selectively

Ha, I concur in looking forward to Martha's unpleasant demise. Her awfulness is what makes her such an easy mark for Phillip. Small town single girl, only child, doted on by parents, sheltered, zero street smarts – the KGB really did their homework on her.

Halliebear – all the points brought up but not addressed re: Irina, surely those were left there to give room for future storytelling. I have some faith that they'll bring Irina, or refer back to her at some point, as the story demands. Either to introduce Phillip's son, to demonstrate Phillip's wavering commitment to

Anger Management: "Why not Charlie Sheen?"

Fourth Episode – profit

Gregory's team whisking away the widow was the best spy set piece of the season. That made us immediately respect Gregory, far more than if we'd just been told by Elizabeth that he was some badass convert she'd trained.

Difference was people like Stan, Reaganite true believers, wanted to crush the Soviets. The Soviets just wanted to survive. Non unlike Israel, from its inception the USSR felt besieged & surrounded by enemies, & with good reason.

Practically every resident in my dorm gathered downstairs to watch The Day After. Those were the days. Community, appointment television. Thanks, Hollywood, for stoking the fires of war & striking terror into the hearts of children everywhere, you little scamp.

I was afraid (?) Tawny's embrace was gonna make Daniel cream in his pants. He sure looked on his way, though I kind of think we were supposed to think that. I loved how it played out, though, and am a big fan of Miss Wannop from Parade's End. Interesting contrast in that he's the one who's been locked up for 19 years,

Gunnar ain't lived that life of a con on the run, a bad man with even badder men on his trail, fearing for his life, desperate for the love of his brother, unable to quell the self-destructive voice inside.