Biff Wonsley

I have to agree with Mr. Wilkins' assertion that "Oh no" is probably the best line I've seen John Barrowman deliver. Those 2 words betrayed a seriously conflicted & dark soul, showing Merlyn to be far more than just a lightweight cartoon villain. Which will make it suck all the more if/when he dies next week &

So you're a fan of Monday Mornings?

I've defended Laurel on occasion here as well. Mostly along the lines of "I like to look at Katie Cassidy, so shut up," only to be met with aspersions cast upon her (paralyzed) face or eyes (one of which apparently doesn't open as wide as the other.)

Can a person be charged with inciting murder? I know on UK TV shows they arrest people for that crime – Scott and Bailey has an ongoing plot based on such a crime. But short of paying someone to murder, I don't remember such a thing here.

More Renard = better show. Always. I love Sasha Roiz, and he gives me a warm & fuzzy feeling inside. He's the poor, misunderstood & mistreated bastard child who just wants to be loved. And to do the right thing. I really want him & Nick properly on the same side, working together to bring down…whoever.

They could start with pronouncing Wesen as it would be in German, VAY-zen. It sounds silly to have Monroe speak German, but then mispronounce Wesen every week. Too late for that, barring some rather awkward exposition. BUT, if they did, Wesengruppen would more elegantly roll off the tongue, & sound properly exotic.

Gruppe Grimm

Don't give up on Hannibal! With decent ratings + international financing, it has more than an even chance at survival. (from futoncritic)

He's not Fat Boy. He's the Impossible Man, whose genetic code holds the secret to humanity surviving in a food-less world. While everyone else slowly wastes away, Aaron inexplicably continues to gain weight. Together with the nanites, Aaron & his DNA will conquer the world.

Maybe she was just horny.

These are morally-upstanding midwesterners, chock full o' family values & such. That old man wouldn't countenance accepting a woman's virtue in exchange for food.

Made us all forget all about Charlie & her teenage sideboob.

I prefer to remember Busfield from Thirtysomething.

Surely the elevator killer is a cloud of the evil, electricity-eating nanites. It's just impossible to tell if Ms. Scientist controlled them, or they acted on their own.

Yeah, Ashley's more tolerable now that she's covered her forehead with hair. That thing stole every scene she was in.

Two years in & the show's producers still haven't figured out that no one cares even a little bit about Charlotte nor Declan. I do enjoy Jack being in over his head, though, & really hope he gets the short stick next week. Stay in the shallow water, Jack.

Power-hungry asshole, indeed, but I still don't get why that alliance is necessary. Naples is a swampy shithole devastated by plague & with a shit army.

Paul didn't know there were clones, so Donnie could be an almost unwitting monitor, somehow coerced or even just convinced to report on her. Maybe some professor is studying suburban housewives & asked Donnie to participate only, of course, it's Olivier or similar.

I get that the clones need to be distinctive, & I'm not bothered either way, but since they are indeed clones, wouldn't they all have the same basic shape (boobs & waist,) with slight variations depending on how fit they are?

3M took over UMinn-Twin Cities & built them a ginormous conference room. Sticky notes & tape pay for a lot of buildings. I learned this on the imaginary webisodes posted on YouTube.