Biff Wonsley

Orphan Black

I can see getting up for the football at 4am. But cricket? Come on. That's just wrong!

Mrs S is minding the most interesting part of the experiment – Sarah's impossible child. Mrs S may be a minder, just not Sarah's.

I was expecting him to go all Jason Bourne on Vic. He did, eventually, but he waited just long enough, & respected Vic's weapon enough, to show that he's not entirely fearless & invincible. I don't think we need an instant "out, " so that every time Sarah gets in a tight spot, Paul will ride to the rescue & easily

I'm glad I'm not your child.

Don't despair. You could still be a sociopath.

Um, yeah, it's still a machine. I won't insult it by calling it just a machine but, seriously you guys.

Yeah, can't disagree with your POV. But there's an assumption in there that US govt agents maybe didn't do lots of those same bad things, only in service to an outcome that we approve of. That's one the interesting gray areas for me.

I assumed the sedition was Finch damaging ARPA in some way as a young man. I'm pretty sure his hacking DARPA or ARPA or something has been mentioned, like during the compression genius episode. I'd be surprised if Finch committed outright treason, or somehow stoked anti-govt behavior.

I like your theory. Very clever.

Don't you dare call Shaw homicidal! She's an a mission to avenge her friend's murder, and before that was just doing her job, which was kind of important.

Frankly, I find Root's boo-hooing about the machine being sentient & abused by Finch pathetic. It just shows how unhinged she is. It's a fucking machine!

Having the 2nd call-receiver, Reese in this instance, would be a cool safeguard, but if that were the case, then Finch wouldn't have needed to reroute a call downstairs.

Shaw, or rather Sarah Shahi, is always likeable. I'll brook no dissent on that issue. More Shaw is always good.

More Shaw in sleeveless shirts, please. Wow.

Surely after such a fraught & hazardous outing they wouldn't then push it with the colonel, not with the red lights already flashing – knowing that Sanford has met with the feds + the colonel's obvious disillusionment & scientific poo-pooing of star wars. But without Granny's street smarts to guide them, who knows. As

You are obviously not a completist.

You'd think Phillip would have handy lock picking tools on him, like slim jim, making the breaking unnecessary.

Oh yeah, didn't stop to think how Clark is gonna deal with the Martha situation if he's out of town for a long period with Liz. I'd enjoy seeing Martha slowly unravel as she realizes she was played, then also realize she can't tell anyone because she committed treason. Then again, I'm not sure she's quite smart enough

Both parents have expressed the desire for their kids to never know & to grow up & be Americans through & through. I can't remember if maybe that was also part of the job description, too. The kids are props, not future spies.