Biff Wonsley

Please accept my apologies. A button was pushed, but it probably wasn't you doing the pushing. I have indeed seen enough comments to indicate there is at least some portion of viewers who do think USA USA USA when watching. There's a fair amount of "I can't believe I'm rooting for commies!" or almost apologizing for

The FBI is still having trouble moving on from its pre-computer days, if their disastrous attempt at building their own system is any indication. What a fucking boondoggle. Gotta love govt paying low salaries & buying from the lowest bidder. Not exactly the best & brightest.

The original The Bridge/Bron/Broen, the Danish/Swedish production was very good. Better than Borgen/Parliament, but not quite as good as the original Forbrydelsen/The Killing. Which means nothing to those who haven't seen them. Let's just hope the people behind the American Killing have nothing to do with the American

Hey, man, I liked The Border.

Agent Dickhead Gaad said they'd see what he had to say after he got his immunity & half a million. Worthless or not, he's already won. Plus, the colonel can give a description of Granny w/o disguise, plus one of Phillip in another of his disguises, which could tie Phillip to the Weinberger sting.

"Lure into your lair" & "bury them in shallow plots" need not be mutually exclusive, do they? Can't you lure & then bury?

FBI, thanks to the soon-to-be incarcerated colonel, is going to have another description of Phillip, plus one of Granny, who was not in disguise for that meet in the park. Could complicate things for Granny next season, & may implicate her in Zhukov-killer's murder if anyone in his apt complex saw her. Her disguise

Thanks for bringing that up. I'm also a huge fan of Arkady Ivanovich. I want him as my boss. I also want to hug him for some reason. He projects this feeling that he really cares about you.

God, I admire you.

Why expect resolution? Surely the attraction of the show is in how the action changes the relationships of the characters with each other. The car chases & spy antics are window dressing. They put the characters in interesting situations, forcing them to deal with each other within the changing circumstances. And the

Why hope they turn? Within their own little spy world I want them to succeed. Part of it is the annoying self-righteousness of the FBI folk. I really dislike Agent Gaad, smug bastard.

I'm not sure spies get treated a whole lot better than kiddie diddlers in American prisons. Still probably better than whatever fate awaited Nina back home, though. A few days in the Lubyanka basement, most likely.

Great thing about this show is that during the car chase I could never feel certain that they'd get away. There's no template they follow where good guys win & bad guys lose. Mainly because there aren't really any good or bad guys.

There's nothing all that wrong with rooting for commies. Not everything about the USSR was bad, from the POV of the people. Full employment, free child care, all-encompassing welfare scheme. Plenty of problems, of course, unlike the perfect western model of corrupt republican democracy & rigged market capitalism. They

She'll have a steak sandwich. And a steak sandwich.

P & E can tell their kids that they're actually American spies & secretly working with Mr. Beeman, and/or that they suspect Mr. Beeman is a double agent, or…something. Even better if by that time Stan has actually been compromised. Then Paige can inadvertently let something slip one day to tip off Stan. But he can't

Regarding tactical laundry display, Phillip must have undergone some serious stunt driver training to prepare himself for that car chase. The chasing cars reminded me of 1970s movie car chases, with the Ford Granadas swerving & looking like they're about to flip over as they jiggle back & forth passing civilian cars

Whatever Paige eventually finds, the interesting part will be what she makes of it. Certainly her first thoughts aren't going to be "OMG, my parents are Soviet spies!" And I really really hope her discoveries aren't reliant upon sloppy trade craft on the part of her parents. I suppose she could innocently ask Mr.

Yeah, Hurricane Sandy did a number on production of The Americans.

I feel compelled to disagree.