Biff Wonsley

To turn Stan, they'll need to have something to hold over his head, like he did with Nina. The obvious thing is Nina telling him he's sleeping with a double agent. That wouldn't look good on his resume. It'd be more interesting if they came up with something else.

No. Mouth breathers & chronic onanists, the lot of them.

Those producing the show aren't even trying anymore, if they ever were, to give any thought to creating a real-seeming post-apocalypse world. Now I'm wondering if they're not just thumbing their noses at us.

They'd both be great as The Monroe Brothers, ruling the Monroes Republic.

The Cult better than Revolution? That's crazy talk. Down that road madness lies. Madness & that Nazi Clock show. One must be careful when making such pronouncements.

I'd rather watch a Sarah Roemer-shaped wooden box try to act than one shaped like Tracy Spiridakos.

Yes, Billy Burke is the best part of this show, by far. Maybe they'll give Espo something to do other than glower & make a mean fart face.

Maybe none of the talented & capable young actors will show sideboob.

Or that one time they went to summer camp & touched wieners.

Wait, that wasn't the season finale? Oh joy.

Yeah, Castle was a good episode for fans. Pretty much all of Fillion's funny bits compressed into a few flashbacks. Fillion's funny, Katic is a good straight man, & it's about one billion² times better than Revolution or The Following. And yet I still watch both.

Careful, there's a hidden cabal of The Cape lovers lurking in here. They take comments like that personally, and very seriously. Watch your back, bro or sis.

Maybe, kind of, didn't really, almost, sort-of, didn't really, not really, a little, sort of, I guess, maybe.

Bass knew the whereabouts of Miles, generally speaking, because he knew about the battle Monroe's boys had just lost. Bass has helicopters, so he'd get that info fairly quickly. So we'll then assume that the battle was near their hometown. Which may have been Evansville, IN.

How can Bacon's character come back on the show when surely he'd be imprisoned for executing a suspect? Of course just picking out one egregious flaw in a show full of them is silly, but this one act seemed above & beyond. Sure, all the agents were utterly incompetent, but I'm not sure they ever committed actual

If it brings in page views & someone will do it, it gets reviewed. As it should be. Suckitude should not play into the decision.

So was it just poor FX – Joe obviously was not the one doing the screaming in the fire, and he's dead anyway?

No one should be allowed to read Sims' reviews unless they've watched the episode. Only after putting in the work can you enjoy the reward. No shortcuts.

Good solid relationships would have all the drama of Itchy & Scratchy when they were neutered by the studio.

Ragnar Lothbrok is 10⁴ times more awesome than Jax Teller