Biff Wonsley

Insufferable or not (I don't find her so,) Abigail herself certainly benefits from the way the show is shot. In a not creepy perv or sexual way, the combination of her unique look & photo/cinematography (whatever, I don't know these things,) renders her in such a beautiful manner that I can't take my eyes off of her.

I've never seen DOA, so that ripoff was lost on me. And I suppose I'm not too bothered with how Fusco became a dirty cop, nor with whatever problems there might have been with the Carter Fusco interactions. So when this episode ended I was sure we were going to see an A- up on the board. I thought this episode kicked

Why- why did you have to make me feel stupid for not having read Anna Karenina?

I want Clark to just suddenly drop out of Martha's life, so we can then have an entire episode spent solely with Martha as we watch her slowly disintegrate into madness, realizing every stupid choice she made which has doomed her to a lonely life in SuperMax, CO. It will be like a drug experience episode, where her

Now that's just downright silly. A real spy would never call himself Jimmy McSpy.

She's as God made her.

I'm hoping for that between-season buzz + FX's PR folk generates more interest in the show. They'll have 35+ weeks to spread the word, play reruns, get it up on the streaming sites, sell DVDs & whatever else needs to be done.

Elizabeth Jennings = Anna Chapman?

The bloc countries being drains rather than assets is the most interesting point here. That had been tolerated no problem by Soviet leaders up to Gorby, but as he was the first post-war raised leader he wasn't obsessed with having this huge barrier between the USSR & Germany. That's how I like to think of it, anyway.

I can see how playing Mississippi Queen would be more fun to play than listen to. Because that is a seriously awful song. I think I'd rather be forced to listen to that Thorogood I drink alone abomination.

Claudia's Midwestern accent was a bit OTP, but all the more amusing for it.

So basically what you're saying is there are no depths to Martha's stupidity.

Yeah, can't kill Martha, too many red flags will go up. Even if Martha figures it out, Clark can remind her that she's on the hook for 8 dozen counts of treason, so she might want to keep quiet about the bug in her boss's office.

Re Martha, as I'm sure others have said – how can we feel bad for someone so, so utterly stupid?

Wow, JP. When you put it like that it almost makes Stan seem like a bad guy.

I suppose it was too much to ask that Nina be a bit more sophisticated & instead present her relationship with Stan as something she initiated, so she could go to her boss & say "I've set up an FBI contact to whom we can feed disinformation." Obviously she's not going to be sent back home, nor would her boss be

You are correct. Children of Earth is seriously good Torchwood. If ever there was an argument for short serieseses bringing out the best in storytellers, this is it. Very little fat on this one, & Peter Capaldi is fantastic.

I do wonder about Cassidy becoming Black Canary. I know nothing about the comics, so i don't know what exactly Black Canary does, but KC doesn't strike he as particularly athletic. I hope she's not required to kick ass Stephen Amell-style.

Have to agree with Epic. Seems to me there are 2 ways to watch the show. One is as a crime-fighting procedural-y kind of show where everything is kind of grounded in a reality we more or less understand. The other is as a comic book story where you kind of have to wave your hand at a few things because, hey, it's a

Yeah, the throat slitting shouldn't have been necessary, had the opportunity presented itself. They share a common enemy, no need to create unnecessary conflict. But this is Revolution. Expect the stupid.