Biff Wonsley

I guess we're beyond commenting on how stupid it is to have an overweight character on this show. Unless Madam Vice-President from Scandal's comment was a not very sly wink at the stupid casting choice.

Our household watched every Mob Doctor episode.

Beautiful in different ways, but yes. I prefer NZ, living as I do in one of the sunniest, hottest places in the US. But the south can be beautiful, so long as it isn't summer when everyone's sweating.

Clemens looks like Michelle Williams, but has an entirely different screen presence, imo.

Indeed. AC was the beautiful, almost forbidden fruit, in Parade's End, always just out of reach of Cumberbatch's character. She's almost as captivating in this show, and the main reason I'm watching, even though her character isn't a huge presence here.

I think if Aethel has sex, then the show will make sure we know about it, rather than it being implied off screen.

Also, if Alicia goes with Cary then she can boink Will at her pleasure, with no office politics getting in the way. Ugh. I don't like them as a couple.

Peter made Krist…whatever look drunk at the Catholic hoedown a few weeks ago. We're meant to believe that Alicia was playing on that in her Charlie Rose interview. It didn't come out of left field, though it could've used a bit more background.

Count me in Team Peter as well. Since he got out of prison, he hasn't been anything other than contrite & has shown he's willing to think not just of himself. Sure, he's always busy being a politician, but the kids don't seem to ever complain about him, so he doesn't seem to be a poor father. I think he's being

Hear, hear. Alicia really needs to go with Cary, & maybe Diane to the SC, Peter to Springfield, & Kalinda…whatever, don't really care about her anymore. Point is, blow up the show & start over.

That's who that was! I kept looking at him wondering where the fuck have I seen you before? Thank you.

So, shipping Cesare & Lucrezia – Cesacrezia?

Thyri was fulfilling her obligation to bathe Aethel in preparation for his sacrifice. Didn't have anything to do with sex. Though it probably could have if he'd been so inclined.

You've just violated the Official Secrets Act. Please report to your local constabulary for processing.

We have 3, but use them for soccer. Kind of hard to watch more than one drama at a time! But these days there are so many ways to acquire & watch TV shows that no one should really have to choose. And that's only counting the legal methods. Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, iTunes, the broadcaster's website – and yet surely I'm

Poor Broadchurch, everyone wants to step up & punch it in the face. So it's going on a bit long. Who cares? It's got fun people in it! They should've called it DI Hardy or something, though, so they could make another, only with even more episodes.

I don't see how Art or anyone can keep Sarah from quitting the force. They'll try, but I hope she stays quitted, because Art annoys. I'd think he'd be happy to have such a troublesome partner walk out the door.

Squinchy face is annoying, & makes him seem untrustworthy. Wouldn't be surprised if he was put in place, or blackmailed, to keep an eye on Beth, so she leads him to the other clones. Thus him freaking out when "Beth" threatens to strike out on her own. Or he's just kind of a dick, but with reason since Beth put him in

I assumed that Helena was always acting under orders, and/or possibly brainwashed by whoever created the clones (and who now wants to eliminate them.) So there's always been a bigger bad lurking in the shadows. Another agent (like the one Beth shot) just came out of the shadows at the end of this episode.

Something more interesting than clones & possibly twins with clones? You drive a hard bargain, sir or madam.