Biff Wonsley

That the spy craft is abandoned so they can give the characters something to feel is the show's MO, not an unintentional mistake. If it's done well enough you don't notice whatever's off with the spy craft. Doesn't seem to be working for you.

I heard FX president John Landgraff interviewed on a Grantland podcast talking about how heavy serialization isn't always the best strategy for his shows. He wants people to be able to randomly tune in & enjoy the show, not just be confused because they haven't watched from the beginning. He cited Terriers as an

Maybe, though not necessarily. Things can come to a head with Stan & Nina, or Martha could get wise, or an offhand comment at work by her could help Stan start to get a clue as to what really happened to Amador, or the CIA guy's info could light a bulb in Stan or Gaad's brain.

Phillip just watched Liz basically declare her undying love for Gregory last episode. Last thing he's looking for or expecting is reconciliation, and why would he want it now? She's shit all over his feelings of puppy love lately. He's too pissed off/hurt to even care to pick up on her cues. If she wanted something

I believe that was covered above, what with he Cold War being exceedingly cold in the '70s. They had all kinds of free time to raise their kids.

Zhukov told us at the beginning of the show that things were going to get much more dangerous (or whatever similar word he used,) of course implying that up to then it had mostly just been the odd honey trap & surveillance gig, in between cheering on Valery Borzov and Skylab & Soyuz dockings.

At least CIA guy didn't hem & haw through his interview. Usually you have the guy who fucked up acting all furtive & having to be prodded into admitting what he did. This guy just came out & said it. "I was fucking her in the gent's. My bad."

She let CIA guy go because she realized he was right about them both being cogs in the machine, which helped her realize that granny was playing her. Throw in Greg's death & we have her emotional meltdown. This episode is Liz starting to realize she has very little control over her life, and basically because she

Stop saying Martha's crazy, please. She's an odd duck, but otherwise just a woman who so wants to be in love that she's blinded to the obvious cues that Phillip doesn't give a rat's ass about her.

You've said, more eloquently & elegantly, what I tried to say above, though mine didn't include that now-obvious detail that she can't go to her bosses because she committed treason. She'll just melt down alone. Liz & Phil can't possibly kill her, unless they're hoping to start a hot war.

I'm hoping Clark just drops out of her life abruptly, so we can watch her meltdown, which would eventually lead back to Amador's murder & make Stan realize that there was more to it than just Gregory. That could be an interesting development next season.

No, she's not crazy, just not used to hot guys in wigs courting her. She comes from a sheltered, boring background & Clark has opened her eyes to how much fun life can be. And also to treason.

Nina didn't tell Stan about the bug in Cap W's house. I hope she goes back to serving The Cause, as Liz calls it.

Clark's honey pot has turned into a long con, and at least with Liz's this week, they established that the CIA guy liked to pick up loose women.

Thank you for liking Caprica.

Surely Brooke's final appearance was meant to mirror Sammy's fight with Tammy.

Every time Cooper did something slightly odd this episode it made me distinctly unsettled, and as it happened, not without reason. Going to the roof was certainly one of those moments.

Cooper was so obviously on another planet while he was beating the neighbor with the gun, I don't think anyone can say with absolute certainty that it was suicide. I don't think he was capable of rational thought at that moment.

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Hairy Cruise – are you a communist? If you don't like TV go to Russia. If everyone followed your model, our country would collapse overnight, national disaster, the equivalent of 10,000 MASHs & Losts all airing their series finales at the same time. A Hiroshima for entertainment. It's our god-given right to drive an