Biff Wonsley

SatelliteInternetIsSkynet – I think you overestimate most people's technical savvy re: how to acquire TV shows illegally. Maybe the numbers will continue to increase as today's more technically astute young people age. But in my circle of friends (age 30-50) very few of them have a clue how to use torrents or find

I'd like to see networks unwed themselves from the 21/42 minutes length of shows. We've had the occasional ad-free hour sponsored by Ford (24) & we need more like that. You can hardly tell a story, much less A & B plots in 21 minutes, & 42 is difficult for a drama. How about 45 minutes of Community followed by 45 of

Where I come from, a sheriff & his constabulary are of a county, not a town or city. I suppose this setup is not uniform throughout the country.

Joey is the antichrist, so his eyes will burn red with fury as he takes up his father's mantle & the cult members bow down in front of him, including Winona.

Joe is a cult leader first, murderer second. And not really a serial killer. His cult's murderousness should be thought of more as group therapy for people who like to kill. Joe's the group psychotherapist who helps everyone become the best murderer he/she can be.

How do you know it's cheap scotch? Sure, it could be one of those gallon jugs of generic grocery store booze, white label with the single word Scotch printed on it. But a man who writes great literature surely drinks great scotch.

Not sure I can conceive of a Joe-less show that would merit the title The Following.

Cigarette Smoking Man

Naturally, Mike pulls a gun on Roddy, rather than tell his boss so they could surprise & surround Rod with overwhelming force. Turning your back on a serial killer's acolyte in a police station, though, probably takes the cake for dumbest move by an officer of the law in this episode. Unless we still count Rod as an

You realize you're in the minority of people who like Winona on Justified, yes? I kinda like her, too, and admire your bravery in saying it out loud, so to speak. You've given me the courage to do so as well.

I don't hatewatch. I sympathywatch. I feel sorry for Mr. Bacon. I do look forward to seeing the cast on the talk show circuit 10 years in the future, laughing about how utterly absurd & godawful this show was.

That Roderick was killed is a major blow to the show. He was the only character with any kind of charisma, and his psychotic-ness was entertaining. Now we're left with Idiot Joe, Bonehead Emma & Crybaby Jacob. And of course the most incompetent FBI agents in the history of television. Who are also mostly boring. Oh,

That the last image of the series is Andy shouting "I AM SPARTACUS!!!" is, well, appropriate is too weak of a word to describe it. That was my favorite moment of the whole series. That scene, for the character & the show itself, had several layers of meaning, far more than just an angry man shouting. It was a real

Crassus would beg the gods to hobble around the rest of his life, if only he could have his son & slave lover back. What he got was far, far worse than a limp.

I mentioned earlier the possibility that Siggy is cuddling up to Lagertha as step one in a Rollo/Siggy plot to overthrow Ragnar. Though if that's the case, I'd more suspect that Siggy is using Rollo more than the other way around. Rollo just seems too stupid to conceive of anything more than "Me want be king. Grrr.

Funny. Took me a while to realize it was Charlie Hunnam whom Travis Fimmel most resembles.

Gathering an(other) army in those days was a costly & time-consuming process. I thought the King did well with what he managed to scrounge in the short time allotted.

Rollo seems far too stupid to make any kind of play against Ragnar.

Your standards are rather high. There are a few decent shows scattered about the week, time permitting. Sundays do completely kick ass, though.

Wow. Insightful & eloquently expressed. I hope you're right & the show really is working with these themes/ideas in mind.