Biff Wonsley

I posted earlier about this so, to repeat in case it helps, CBS posted on twitter the updated air time, so you could reset your DVR accordingly if possible. Don't know why they don't do what FOX does during football season, and just not schedule anything in that hour in which a game running late might otherwise

The horny mooning makes Alicia seem like a self-denying prude, if not a pathetic teenager w/o the fortitude to go after what she wants (which is understandable if you're a teenager, not so much a grown woman.) Or at least someone never able to rid herself of Catholic guilt which has warped her sense of right & wrong

I'd have thought that her firm's bankruptcy would've been at least as damaging to Diane's reputation as her partner being a scoundrel.

Jack & Diane

Don't pick on poor Phil! Typos are one of the lovable features of TV Club reviews. Love me the way I am, not the way you wish me to be.

They couldn't just stretch it out to an exact 60 minutes, could they? Fortunately, CBS also posted the new broadcast time on twitter, but, jesus christ, 56 minutes?

Don't be getting ideas about Farnese plotting behind Rodrigo's back. That will not do. She probably just had to go be beautiful somewhere.

There are worse things than incest with Holliday Grainger.

The maid was dead the moment they came to her asking for the window to be left open. Either Micheletto or the band of assassins were going to kill her. No loose ends. Micheletto drowned a small boy in a well a while back for having seen something he probably didn't even understand.

If nothing else hooked you to the show, surely it was Micheletto, the most lovable assassin on all of television.

Soccer mom looks super tiny & narrow compared to the others. Maslany is pulling off some neat tricks.

Liked for taking the initiative on fingerprint research.

After saying "clone club" & being told not to use the C word, I was hoping for a snappy comeback along the lines of "ok, clone association," or similar. Missed a trick on that one.

Our esteemed reviewer's problem with her "clumsy interactions with Art" shouldn't be a problem. They make perfect sense because she's not a cop, and that world is so alien it's not something she can fake, plus Art is a cop & not likely to be an easy mark in some scheme to retrieve her money. She's resourceful, but not

Jean-Luc Lemur, that's pretty much what the show is, substituting Lorenzo's mistress for hot young men. How well executed it is, well, that's another issue. It's pretty silly, but not much worse than Hunted, for example, with more female nudity, which is rarely a bad thing.

Yeah, yeah, bolzen. Nobody had to know that, party pooper.

Google translates Dan Feuerriegel's surname as "fire bolt" in German.

Thanks for sharing your enthusiasm throughout the life of the series, Ryan. This final had everything I could've hoped for. Finales must be extraordinarily difficult to do, and as one who was slightly disappointed in the final episodes of Chuck & Fringe recently, I was apprehensive. Also dreading seeing our heroes go

Make a Subway sandwich of mushrooms & have Hannibal eating one & exclaiming it's chewy goodness, instead of serving Lungs Tartare to unwitting dinner guests.

The last UK tv show to even make 13 episodes, that I can remember, is Doctor Who a few years ago. Broadchurch, currently airing over there, is 10 & feels like a marathon, though an enjoyable one.